From: The Denim Warrior Date: 4/29/96 8:25PM Subject: Story Bored 25.14: Hyeah! Round up them loose en Address: To: Story Bored 25.14: Hyeah! Round up them loose ends. - or - Cheeble! Cera had been watching for quite some time. Heck, she'd actually gone off and taken a vacation down in Hawaii for a bit because of all the trouble Dinosorcer and the others had been getting into without any help from herself. And she'd been looking for clues as to where to find the remaining pieces of the puzzle. It had taken her well into half a millenia to collect the pieces she had had. But then that arrogant plot hole had set her back. Oh, what she'd do to that dragon once she had the parts again! Her corporal hissed "Sshall we take them now?". Turning her head to Cera from her colesaur troops. "No, not yet. Besides, I've got something better in mind. Dino and that X's twin there are just being far too disgustingly cute. Well, if that's how they're going to play, then I'm going to fight fire with fire!" She said with an evil grin, gripping her claw hand in a fist. "Cry Cheeble, and loose the hamsters of war!" she cried with delight. ---- The group sat by the campfire oblivious to the impending danger. Except for Livingstone who was still sleeping, they were watching the Dinosorcer's battle plans. Or rather the nega-Dinosorcer's plans, but they didn't know that. Dinosorcer was walking before them, chagrined and cranky at having to look up at the others as he sketched in the dirt and explained. "Now, first we need to head to Texas and retrieve the lenes." "But we have no idea what time you went back to." said Ben. "Who said we had to go back in time all the way to find it?" snapped Dino. "We start from Texas in our time, and track it from there. The lens tends to leave a very definite presence about anywhere where it's been sitting a while. And we can track it from there" Orelious the lion spoke up * Are you sure you're alright, Dino? You've been a little short... * "Well of course I've been a little short. Hell I'm a lot short! Trapped like this!" snarled the 4" Dino in a huff. Before they could pursue the matter more, a furball ran across X's toes and she snapped it up in her mouth before she even stopped to think. Everybody turned to her. Thinking again, X caught her self before swalling and spat it out into her claws. "Now what do we have here?" she inquired as she opened her claws. "Cheeble!" was the response of the cute little hamster she held. Orelious the goat spoke up "A haamster? But they're not native to here" as an ominous rumble began to fill the air. They looked about trying to determine where it was coming from. X dropped the hamster and grabbed up her gun, setting it for 'tiger tiger burning bright'. both Jerhevons took up fighting stances facing other directions, and Storm front unslung his sword before pulling a pea shooter out of his pack. For a few moments the rumbling continued, seeming as if to come from all around, echoing off the hills and dales, when suddenly a swath of trees before them splintered apart under a tidal wave of furry hamsters. Spotted ones, and speckled ones, fat ones and dwarf ones, all the various kinds of hamsters far into their billions in number. A huge wave of cute and wide-eyed critters, bearing down on them. They all just stood there slack jawed for a moment. Then X took charge, "Quick! Everybody to the turdis!" They all rushed for the turdis, jamming into the portal, the only problem coming from when the two Jerhevons tried to enter side by side. And the rumbling from the wave of hamsters drowning out the tiny 'What about me!?!!?!' that the abandoned nega-dino cried out before being swept up in the horde of hamsters as the turdis was battered for a moment and then shuddered out. ---- Once inside the turdis they slowly began to pull themselves back together. panting deeply. X lifter her head "Alright do we have everyone?" And after a moment's accounting (It took a while, when each one counted they kept finding two missing) Eventually they came to a concensus by only finding one person really missing. Jenn squeeked "Where's Dino!?!" concernedly, holding her foreclaws to her belly. A weak voice answered her, so weak it took them a bit to realize where it was coming from. There upon a control panel lay a battered and sooty parasaur laid bare, only 4 inches high ".. er, guys! ... that's not me! Uh.. that's the nega Dino!.." ---- Cera picked through the littler of the camp, none too concerned that they'd gotten away, after all the broken gravity-flux crystal within the turdis was still broken. Hence the turdis was still trackable. The thought made her giddy "HEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" She mulled through the debris, pulling up the pancake like remains of the toaster. "Ah the hubris, thinking they could just summon the device? Don't they know I would have them all at my feet now and have proper breasts as well if it was that easy? But Noooo... each piece twists the summons, til you're summoning something from the Archie McPhee catalog. They should consider themselves lucky they didn't end up with an atomic whoopie cushion. Hmm, what's this?" She lifted up her claw, dangling from which was the almost doll-like battered body of the nega-Dino. No knowing better, she Heeeeee! with delight at her capture. Which was quickly replaced with utmost boggling as Dino lifted up his head and said something she was completely unprepared for. "Cera! Thank the Egg it's you!" the parasour bleated pitiously. --------------------+---------------------------------------------------- --- Jerhevon |"Oh I'm a Stegosaurus, and my friends all call me Pete" Stegosaur at large | - Brian Dullaghan, Dinosaur Songs| --------------------+---------------------------------------------------- ---