I apologize for the length of this. Its just so good to be back that I got rather carried away. Most of this was written during my lunch break today. Go ahead and pencil me in for another slot, Dino dearest. SB019- Through the Looking Glass It was early morning on the day that the valient adventurers expected to reach Pollux. After a lively game of laser tag the night before, ("To work off dinner," Jerhevon had insisted,) everyone had retired early in anticipation of facing the unknown the next day. The TURDIS was quiet, with the exception of the automatic coffee maker, which was merrily brewing so there would be plenty when everyone woke up. ***FWOOUMPH!*** X and Dinosorceror both jumped awake at the same time, then exchanged looks of surprise at finding themselves still sharing the same bed. X rolled to her feet and, grabbing her gun, headed for the main control room, Dino hot on her heels. Nothing appeared to be amiss in the control room, but both dinosaurs knew better than to to trust appearances. X suspieciously eyed the monitor which assured in friendly blue letters that all systems were normal. By the time the others had reached the control room, X was busy at the controls, looking for anything that might be even the slightest bit wrong. Red hopped up onto the console beside her and smiled endearingly. "Whatssup, X?" Dino had located a troubleshooting guide in the glove compartment and was reading through the lists of possible problems and what to do about them. The group gathered around him as he read. "What to do if TURDIS refuses to take on inconspicuous appearance. . . no. . . lessee. . . what to do in case of axis shift. . . pop machine does not dispense product. . . giant egg appears on bridge. . . TURDIS runs out of Columbian coffee. . . repossession. . .wait! Here it is! What to do if TURDIS makes loud *FWOOUMPH* sound!" "Well, what does it say?" Benjamin asked anxiously. "Was it really a *FWOOUMPH*?" Orelious' lioness head asked hir snake head, "It sounded more like a *FWAAAMPH* to me." The snake head look doubtful, "I thought it was more metallic sounding, myself," sie replied. Dinosorceror flipped through the pages of the guide. "There's no listing for *FWAAAMPH*" X drummed her talons impatiently on the self-destruct console. Dino flashed her a nervous smile, cleared his throat quickly and continued reading. "If TURDIS makes a loud *FWOOUMPH* sound, do nothing. This means that the coordinates you have programmed into the navagational computer are for a location in a dimension different from that of origin. The *FWOOUMPH* sound you heard was the TURDIS passing through the dimensional barrier." There was a brief moment of amazed silence, everyone looking at each other with varying degrees of surprise. Then Red clapped in delight and Dino grinned, letting a shiver run up his back. "Whoa!" he breathed, "Another dimension!" "Wait a minute," Jerhevon frowned, "I thought we were on our way to Pollux." "According to the computer, we still are," X assured, tearing off a printout and handing it to the stegosaur. It quite plainly indicated that the course had not been altered. Jerhevon read through the information quickly. "Did you notice that these coordinates seem very familiar?" he asked Jenn, handing the paper back. She looked at it again, tipping her head. "I suppose that there's no reason why the peices couldnt be scattered throughout dimensions as well as throughout the universe," Dino was musing. "How long until we get there?" The words were hardly out of his mouth when a pleasent *bing* sounded throughout the control room and a green light winked on above the door. The very helpful computer voice informed them, "We have materialized on the planet Pollux. Have a nice day." "Well," Dino hooted, pleased with how this was progressing, "Let's disembark, troops." The first things to greet them as the seven stepped cautiously out of the TURDIS were trees, lots of trees, all around, most looking to be some sort of pine variety. X led the way, her gun primed and set at "blast 'em all and let the paleontologists sort 'em out" She was on constant guard for any indication of even the slightest of threats to the life of the Dinosorceror, who was right behind her, wide-eyed with the sudden realization that this was his first time to set foot on any planet other than the one he had been born on. He found himself slightly disappointed and puzzled at finding the place lousy with pine trees when he was expecting something much more exotic. Orelious came next, keeping vigilent watch in all directions with the exception of directly behind the skirmish line, which was Jerhevon's job, as he was bringing up the rear right behind little Red, Benjamin and Livingston, who bristled with protective caution. X and Jerhevon had consulted with Dino and insisted on the formation to best protect everyone and maintain a good pace when on the move. The very next thing they noticed was that they, and the TURDIS (which looked rather like a pine tree) were completely surrounded by dozens of small mammals that were not unlike Ewoks, but much less marketable. X bristled, a low growl starting in her throat. Half of the little mammals were staring slack jawed at Dinosorceror, their glassy eyes blank with stupified amazement. The other half were staring at the pine TURDIS, or rather, at what was under it. Jerhevon looked to find the remains of some sort of large reptillian, the TURDIS had apparently materilized directly on top of it, squashing it effectively into paste. "Yeech," Red wrinkled his nose. One of the psuedo-Ewoks stepped forward, visibly trembling with awe and terror. He looked up at Dinosorceror coweringly, "Great One, you have delivered us from the reptillian menace!" The rest of the mammals gasped collectively and began to grovel on the ground, grouping all around Dinosorceror. They wailed and moaned, calling Dino's name and worshipping him with religious fervor. Everyone looked at Dinosorceror, who was visibly startled. Meanwhile, and very close by-- A fearsome roar vibrated through the rec room, rattling the ice and crystals that hung from the high vaulted ceilings. The Dinosorceror slammed his fist through the monitor in front of him which had just shown him that one of his best tyrannosaurs had just been smooshed by a pine tree. Some history. . . November 29th, 1995 Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA, Planet Pollux A young man is visited by the dying Dinosorceror and inherits the title and all the power that comes with it. He is transformed into an anthropomorphic parasaurolophus. With his last breath, the former Dinosorceror instructs his successor to use his new powers and the properties of the 4-D lens to once again bring reptillians into power throughout the galaxy. The new Dinosorceror takes the words to heart. From the remains of the crashed spaceship, Dino finds all sorts of goodies to use in his conquest of the universe. He begins with his own planet. Using a nifty devise known throughout the galaxy as the Origin Inducer, Dino begins to transform those around him. His accountant, Red, becomes a magnificent, but rather dreary, black dragon. His friend Jerhevon becomes a huge burly stegosaur with surly disposition, much to the delight of the Dinosorceror who now has need of a heavy. His mousy girlfriend Jenn becomes a very elegant, but still mousy, velociraptor. Dino goes forth and transforms the armies of the world into legions of high energy expendable coelosaur warriors. The best fighters become larger reptiles: tyrannosaurs, dragons, the occasional gigantosaur. Any who dare oppose him, the Dinosorceror turns into small mammals to serve as excellent prey for his hundreds of thousands of loyal troops. Dinosorceror establishes his gigantic Ice Fortress in the deep snows of the midwestern state of Wisconsin, where all true evil originates, and there he rules, expanding his flourishing empire and drawing energy from the Lake Michigan Vortex. He sets his sights on the rest of the universe, making sinsiter alliences with the Dreaded Cera and the Mysterious Patriarch, leaving transformed worlds of reptiles in his wake. Needless to say, the Dinosorceror is not pleased when one of his most loyal and fearsome tyrannosaurs is flattened by a pine tree. "Benjamin!" Dinosorceror roared again, causing Jenn to cringe as the icicles above her rattled. She eyed her man warily, finding it simply too distressing whenever he got upset. The powerful dragon named Benjamin, who was one of Dino's highest advisors and the most ruthless torturer of helpless innocent mammals, looked up from where he was playing pool with Red, who was a habitual loser. Benjamin narrowed his eyes dangerously but his voice was steady as he replied, "Yes, my Lord?" As usual, Dino didnt care for the dragon's attitude, but let it pass for the moment, because there were more important matters at hand. "Someone dropped a tree on one of my tyrannosaurs! Find out what's going on!" "Well, we'd know what was going on if you hadnt smashed the monitor," Jerhevon grumbled from the other side of the room where he was lifting weights. He was a rather frightening fellow, hugely muscled, dark green in color with scars marring his hide from past battles on behalf of the Dinosorceror, a rough black patch covering his right eye. "He's right, darling," Jenn cchhhrred, continuing to peel grapes for Dino. He glared at her. "Shut up. Just fix it Benjamin!" Jenn sighed and glanced over at Jerhevon who gave her a rough smile. Benjamin set down his pool cue and moved to the monitors. A little coelophysis zipped in and danced anxiously in front of Dino, waiting for permission to speak. Dino granted it with an annoyed wave of his hand. "My Lord!" the coelophysis gasped, "Orelious reports from the front! Sie has secured the entire Gamma Quardant for your Gloriousness!" Dinosorceror grinned slowly, a wickedly pleased gleam in his eyes. "Good, we're coming along nicely." "That's wonderful dear," Jenn smiled. "Shut up. Benjamin! What's the hold up?" "I've got a visual right now, my Lord." Benjamin gazed at the images coming from the monitor, images of the psuedo-Ewoks worshipping . . . another Dinosorceror? Benjamin snorted in surprise. Dinosorceror stomped over and glared at the monitor. He blinked, and then a smothering anger appeared in his eyes, he hissed lowly at the image of his other self. "I wont allow it," he growled lowly. "Hey little guys," Dino had finally convinced the psuedo-Ewoks to stop groveling and instead to stare at him adoringly, "Maybe you all can help us out here," he held up his 4-D pendant for everyone to see, "Have any of you ever seen anything that looks like this?" All the mammals drew back in horror at the sight of the Lens. Many cowered, some ran screaming into the woods. "Hmm, I guess they have," Red watched them run. "Wait! Hold it! I'm not going to hurt anyone!" Dino tried to stop them. In the confusion, only Orelious' goat head noticed the teleportation rift open up and the group of familiar reptiles step through. Sie immediately called this to the attention of hir snake head which ended up calling out the warning, "X!" sie yelled, "To your right!" X whirled, bringing up her gun, and her eyes widened in surprise, but she did not hesitate. She pushed at Dino, urging him back towards the TURDIS, recognizing the evil gleam in the other Dinosorceror's eyes. He was intent on destruction. "Go!" she snapped at Dino, "Back to the TURDIS, now!" "What- hey!" Dino was startled at being pushed, but even more startled when he looked up to find himself face to face with himself. Coelosaurs streamed out of the teleportation rift, some toting guns, some striking with just teeth and claws. Chaos ensued. The Dinosorceror hissed lowly at Dino, grasping his Lens with a sharply taloned hand. Dino grabbed for his own Lens, realizing what the designation of "Dark" had meant. This was his negetive counterpart, his Lens was the opposite aspect of Dino's own. He brought the Lens up to counter the Dinosorceror but was surprised when his counterpart used it on himself. The Dinosorceror grew, grew to an emmense size and began attempting to stomp Dino into the dust. Dino ran, dashing between trees, coelosaurs, anything to try and put some distance between himself and. . . himself. . . His mind screaming at him. This was the stuff of nightmares! The Dinosorceror stomped indiscriminately, not caring if he crushed trees or his own troops in his fury and drive to demolish his counterpart. He didnt even notice when his former accountant fell beneath his feet. If the fight was chaos before, it was shambles of chaos now, small fights breaking out whenever opposing members happened across each other in their race to avoid the Dinosorceror's feet. "Dino!" Jerhevon's voice rang out over the din, "Use _your_ Lens!" Dino hoped it was his Jerhevon yelling. He managed to avoid the gigantic parasaur feet long enough to focus the Lens. With an abrupt *poink* the Dinosorceror shrunk down to the size of a chipmunk. He was obviously furious. Within moments a size battle ensued between the two Dinosorcerors, both alternately shrinking and enlarging each other, in desperate attempt to gain the upper hand. Dino, looking up at the bottoms of the flowers, ground his teeth in determination. He brought the nega-Dino down to his size and grabbed him by the lapels of his tunic. "Knock it off, damn it!" he snarled and yanked the Dark 4-D Lens off Dinosorceror's neck. Pushing his counterpart roughly away from him, Dino brought himself up to full size, triumphantly in possession of both Lenses. He quickly forgot his counterpart, as he tried to gage how the rest of the battle was going. Orelious was at the door to the TURDIS, fighting off coelosaurs which were trying to board, Benjamin was with her, striking at anyone he sensed was near enough. Livingston was a furious blur of fighting power. Dino saw Jerhevon throw off the counterpart Benjamin and make a run for the TURDIS. He decided it would be a good idea to follow. Red was already following the stegosaur, flapping his small wings furiously. Dino spotted X grappling with coelosaurs. She didnt seem to have her gun, but it didnt matter. Dino tore into the fight and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her along with him. Within moments they were all aboard the TURDIS. Benjamin secured the door while Dino ran to the computer console and programmed it to take them out of there, wishing to put as much distance between them and that nightmare as possible. X and Jerhevon ended up fighting side by side, Jerhevon using his martial arts skills and X blasting away anything threating with her gun in "Death Star is now operational" mode. But they both stopped in shock, as did everyone around them, when the TURDIS lifted off the remains of the tyrannosaur, shook slightly, and dematerialized. X and Jerhevon exchanged looks of horror. Dino turned when Jerhevon bellowed, "Behind me, Lady Jenn! I'll protect you!" and for the first time, everyone noticed that the stegosaur seemed much larger and scarier than normal, not to mention the fact that he had an eyepatch. Jenn dashed behind Jerhevon and shivered in terror. .*&#, ______, ##mmWWWU-^~ -' `^4Xz. Jenn _7/ Joy and Raptors! fsjle@aurora.alaska.edu -Raptor X- "All that I have been, I carry with me. . ." - Daniel Krayan, quoting the _chyd iphieh hshah rerh'ca_