Hiya! I'm still here, really... just went out of town for a couple of days, then was extremely sick (bedridden, missed two days of classes and a day of work) for a while, and couldn't sit up at the computer long enough to wade through my mail, never mind write my SB contributtion... but I'm here and still alive... bear with me... admin: Just as X's gun has a different setting each time, I was kinda thinking\ that maybe every time Red glances at X (which seems to happen quite a bit) it should be different. Just a thought. The plot thickens... Red looked around grinning at the familliar... sorta interior of the River Front Lizard's Lounge. X looked completely livind, but just so ky000t as a squirrel. Red giggles and then wriggles a little, remembering the fur that had strangely sprouted from his scales. He sratches the fur off, leaving his normal scale finish and tooks stock of the situation. "Okay, we're in cyber-space, which means... which means I should be able to go anywhere in the world in no more than a few seconds... barring firewalls from the CDA... hmm... X, I have an idea." X walked over to Red, carrying her large bag of puffed wheat and they discussed quietly for a while while the rest of the troupe had fun in the pool, getting to know Orelious and resting on the warm rocks. In a moment, X raised her head, "No! Absolutely not Red, you're not taking the new Dinosorceror of Lava Dome ]I[ to that insane friend of yours. I won't allow it!" Red chuckled, and pointed at X's bucket of KFC, "What are you going to do? Give me a heart attack? C'mon Dino... I have to take you somewhere." Red walked over to Dino the fox who was talking with Orelious about exactly how they got here and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, you... let's go. I've got someone you should meet." Dino turned, "Oh? How do we get there?" "Easy," replied Red, "we telnet." Red did some fancy little spells and suddenly, Dino and Red were gone in a flash of data. X scowled, then walked over to Orelious. "Okay, what's this about Daleks taking over the Muck?" "It's true. They're everywhere. They're herding the furs into various spots and locking them in. We've got to stop this." Orelious went on to explain how long this had been going on and th resistance movement that had been thus far rather innefectual. X smirked, "Well, what do you expect us to do?" indicating the regtag remnants and her own ring baloney. Orelious sighed, "Well... we've gotta do something." [Meanwhile...] Red and Dino popped out of a computer terminal that someone had left on and logged in at the University of Ottawa, then left the room. Red's head poked out cautiously, then he turned, "The coast is clear, c'mon out, Dino." Soon they were flying the skies above Ottawa. Red turned his head to Dino, "Now first of all, the fox look has got to go if you're gonna meet his guy. When I tell him that you're the Dinosorceror of Lava Dome ]I[, you've gotta be the Dinosorceror of Lava Dome ]I[." Dino dissapeared in a puff of multi-coloured smoke and was himself again. "Thanks Red. I like fur... but not on me." After a few hours of flying, the pair had reached some forested area in Northern-ish Ontario, and Dino could see a large, frozen-over lake. "Oooh, Red can we go skating?" Red chuckled and started to dive, "No, but that is where we're headed." The spiralled down for a landing in the clearing and Red looked around, "Hey! Canny? Are you there?" [meanwhile] X took a step outside the RFLL and saw an anthropomorphic cat walking by. She was a little hungry so she dropped into her raptor hunting posture and promptly fell flat on her face, a squirrel being built slightly different from a raptor. She stood up and swore a streak that made everyone blush. X turned to Orelious and looked ar hir in the eyes fiercely, "Okay... turn me back this instant!" Orelious blanched before the viscious squirrel (still seeing behind those cute eyes the glare of the raptor) and stammered a little, "Well... uh... okay, hold on a sec..." Orelious had a little conference with hirself and then raised hir heads, "Okay, you get turned back if you help us with the daleks. Deal?" X chittered and agreed, grudgingly. She hefted her foot-long meatball Subway sandwich and headed out. She saw a dalek a few moments later, ran up to it and tore it to shreds with her squirrel claws. (It seems the predator instict held through.) She yelled back, "C'mon the rest of you... help out or we don't get out of here!" and something, once again rather predatory, scared the others into attacking, too... ...pretty soon there were daleks limping around Furry with mustard, ketchup, tomato sause, cookie dough, instant pop-up Pillsbury breasticks, and pepperoni stuck to them, shorting out major functions, and furries attacking them and dumping them into the pond in the park. [meanwhile] Dino looked through the trees to see if he could see this "Canny" person. Red continued to call for a while until a tall, burly man wearing red plaid flannel and a red toque stepped out of the woods. "Hey, how's it goin' eh?" said the man. Red laughed and hugged the man, "CAnny, good to see you again. How's it been with you, eh?" The two launched into a conversation which Dino couldn't keep track of because of all the "eh's" and other such Canadian idiosynchracies... it was like listening to another language. Finally, Red called Dino over, "Dino, this is Canny, an old friend of mine." Canny shook Dino's hand warmly, "Glad to meet'cha, eh?" he said, and Dino forced back a giggle to respond, "Yeah, nice to meet you." Red spoke up, "Canny, Dino here needs a new weapon. I figured you'd have something here he could use." Canny grinned, "Oh, of course, eh? Right this way, eh?" and the walked through the woods to the stream that fed the lake. "This water has, like magical properties, eh? If you freeze it into the mold of a weapon, that wepon can, like, never be damaged, eh?" He waved his handa and the snow parted over a large collection of sword molds, all with frozen blades inside. "I think it might have somtin' to do with the maple syrop in the water." Dino's jaw dropped as he saw the wonderful weapons, and he reached out to take one, when Red stopped him, "Dino... do you actually know how to handle a sword?" Dino blushed and was forced to answer no, but Canny just smiled and took out a big hunk of ice with a mold inside. He pulled an axe out of a nearby stump and chopped the ice strategically until it broke, revealing a weapon almost ideantical to X's blaster, but made entirely of ice. Dino reverently picked it up and examined it, checking the settings to see if they were the same as X's, but it seemed as thought this one had a total different group of settings [admin: haha! threw you another curve!]. Canny handed the weapon to Dino, "That's, like, not recommended for internal use, eh?" then dissapeared into the trees. Red chuckled, "Famous parting words, I guess... c'mon Dino, let's find the others and get back to adventuring." [meanwhile] Not a single dalek was left operational, and X was nibbling the end of her high-power Skor bar, looking meaningfully at Orelious. "Okay, you promised, now I wanna be a raptor again!" "Okay," said Orelious, "but you gotta take me with you!" and suddenly, all the altered furs were normal again... at that exact moment, Red cast a spell outside of cyber-space and drew the group, minus ORelious back into the real world. Orelious sighed and flopped down next to the pool... "Oh well..." X looked around the interior of the Turdis again, "Hey... we're back." then saw Red and Dino, the latter toting and icy version of her own gun. "Oh no... Red you didn't take him to see Canny, did you?" Red grinned and nodded the affirmative while Livingstone walked up to the gun, sniffed it, licked it and promptly got his tongue stuck to it, and whined until Benjamin came and tugged him free. Dino stepped forward, looking in control and much more assured of himself with the gun, actually an imposing figure... everyone in the Turdis, except Livingstone who was whimpering, was duly impressed. "Well, we're armed and dangerous now... let's go find some more of that gadget!" and almost as if it were timed, the Turdis shook. Jerhevon ran to the radar to see what was going on and blanched. "Uh.... guys?" As the group went outside, they saw a huge creature stopming towards them and for once, Dino wasn't even remotly turned on. The thing was a large ape-like creature like a cross between King Kong and the mammals from Primal Rage. Suddenly, five teenagers leapt out of nowhere and yelled! "It's morphin ti-" but were cut off by a timely stomp by the creature, killing them all instantly. Dino decided now was the time to try out his blaster so he warmed it up to "Momma said knock you out!" and let if fly, but the creature raised a hand and a force field stopped it. Jenn then tried hers at "Raptor's Revenge" to the same effect. The creature sent a field flying to the group, to seperate Dino from the others, and Red flew through at the last moment. He yelled to Dino, "You set that thing on high beam and I'll distract it!" He flew to the monster and buzzed it repeatedly, confusing the slow-witted mammal. Dino was setting the blaster at "And you theought the SUN was hot?" and tried to aim at the monster, was wasn't sure he could without hitting Red. Red sent telepathically, *Just do it!* Dino let it fly. Red and the monster were englufed in a huge flame, then an explosion. The force field dropped and some prism scales landed at Dino's feet, thrown there by the explosion. The gun melted in Dino's hand but he didn't notice. HE and the rest of the group sat and looked at where Red and the monster had been. Dino managed to speak first, "He's... dead..." and the rest of the group waled in silence back into the Turdis. The rest of the day was spent silently until they all headed off to bed. X head Dino in his room... talking to himself. She walked in and sat on the bed, "You wanna talk about it, Dino?" "I killed him, X... I blasted him... I shouldn't have done it." he rolled over in his bed and sighed deeply. X laid down next to him and nuzzled him, comforting him. Dino turned around and hugged her, and X kissed him. Later that night, the were both asleep, in each other's arms under the sheets. X lifted her head sometime before dawn and saw two glowing eyes. She started, until she recognized them, "Red!" Red lifted a talon to his lips and shooshed her, and she could see that he was insubstantial. "You're a ghost?" "Well, not exactly. Anyway... Dino's gotta know it's not his fault." He grinned, looking at the two, "How was he?" X grinned, "Well, not bad for the first week in a new body... Red, what'll happen now?" a tear was forming in her eye. "Don't worry X... things'll go fine. Maybe more chaos will be around. We'll see... I've been talking to plot hole... oh..." and he faded away without a sound. X curled back up and drifted off again. Until the next morning when the whole Turdis was awakened by a terribly loud klaxxon. Everyone simultaneously leapt from bed and ran to the control room where they saw a cracked, multi-coloured egg and a tiny little baby white dragon with swirling coloured eyes chewing merrily on some wires under the control panel. Dino ran over and picked him up, reading the little nametag on the baby dragon's chest. "My... name... is... RED!" X grinned and leaned back, accidentally pressing the same skunk-coloured button that Red had pressed earlier, and Orelious was suddenly in the room with them, "Oh... hi... I knew you guys would let me come!"