As the Dinsorceror and the others looked at the viewing screen in horror, another being was spying on them.. When the group had re-entered the Fortrette, unbeknowest to them they had also let in a cloaked being of great power. As the group prepared to do battle, the Being crept up behind the newly invested Dinosorceror. He reached out an invisible claw, and grabbed Dinosorceror's arm. "Hey, whazzat?" exclaimed Dino. The others looked at him in confusion as he started to sparkle and fade out of existance. * * * * * * * * * X hours Later Dinosorceror woke up on a hard, cold floor. "Ahhh, he awakes!" said a Voice from the other side of the room. Dinosorceror blinked his bleary eyes to clear the fuzz from them, and noticed that his crystal was missing from around his neck. "What have you done with my crystal?" he exclaimed. "Crystal? What crystal? Are you sure you're awake?" came from the voice, evidently emminating from the largish blue dragon that was lounging in the far corner of the room. "Where am I?" asked Dinosrceror, "And are you yet ANOTHER new character?. "You happen to be in the Writer's Block," replied the blue dragon, "and you are here because the Author can't for the life of him figure out the situation. And, by the way, my name is Plot Hole. Feel free to look around, but DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!! Our other guests will be arriving shortly.", and promptly fell asleep. 'Other Guests?' wondered Dinosorceror. Oh well. I wonder what happened to the 4-D crystal. And where did I get this ring? Hey, wait a minute - this looks exactly like the crystal - only different! hmm. must be some sort of camoflauge. Dinosorceror began to wander around the room. How incredibly boring - nothing on the walls, no colors at all - just BLANK. After several hours of being incredibly bored, Dinosorceror was just about ready to explode. He walked over to where the sleeping Plot Hole lie, and kicked him gently to wake him up. Plot Hole awoke with a snort of fire, and glared at Dinosorceror. "Haven't you ever heard the saying it is better to let a sleeping dragon lie?" he asked Dino sternly. "Err.. sorry to wake you. But when is something going to happen?" "Right now" said Plot Hole.