Post# 4116 Since SB up to 010 is taken, I take it now ( sorry I am out of order, but order is to be broken, and Redd is for chaos, right? Benjamin and Livingstone are strolling along in a new neighborhood in Phiilly. He is looking for Matt's house, when Livingstone sniffs at the ground --- an offense whilst working, so Benjamin corrects him verbally. But The Liv continutes to whine, and will go no farther. Benjamamin relents, and starts looking around on the ground with his hands... " What iin hell is this? It feels like a tiny Ice Palace! What in hell is going on here? Where is Matt/Dino - he is supposed to live around here, isn't he? Livingstone is anxiously peering in the tiny structure, which hopefully, Benjamin's sensitive fingers have not rumbled or disturbed. Then, he hears very tiny voices, voices from his mind, voices he had only dreamed about, not sounding like his speech synthesizer version of these folk as they always have in the past. "Hey Dino, wanna try some __real foot crushing!?," he shouts out! ============= Mail to for list assistance. Use subjects such as 'faq Herpetophile' and 'unjoin Herpetophile' for automatic list commands.