Post# 4183 --=====================_819253985==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Well here it is, the Bond eppisode. :) Good job Phil on setting up a cliffhanger very fun to try and get 'em out of. Sorry about any spelling probems, my checker is dead, and I need to get the disks to reinstall 'em. Well here it is, and yes it's silly at times. --Fox Cutter (P.S. a note to the next writer...sorry, I mean victim, keep up with the four reptiles. :) ---- --=====================_819253985==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" HML Story Bored, Part 007 --- X dashed back in, deposting her gun on the table, and running to the line of controls down one wall. She pushed open the covere on one of the pannles, and didn't find what she was looking for. She then moved on to the next one in the line. Above her the roof started to creek a bit. "Whats going on?" Dino asked from under the table. "The damn things is trying to crush us under it's foot!" she yelled out, checking the fifth pannle down the row. "Can it take it?" X moved to the sixth one, "At full size the fortress can take a planet landing on it, at this size--" she was cut off by a piece of the cealing crashing to the ground. "Not for very long." Dino moved out from under the table as X opened the seventh pannel. "Ah ha!" she said. He moved up to her, "What is it?" "The defence system!" she yelled, smashing her paw into a large blue button on the pannel. From outside there was water-curdeling scream of pain, and the preshure on the roof stopped. "What did you do?" X adjust some controls, "Local area disingrator field. That thing is now short one UGLY foot." X fliped another switch, "If this light flips to orange," she taped a light on the pannel, "hit this button." she said, pointing at another button. "What will it do?" X ran to her gun, changing it to 'Crispy Critter' mode. "If you need to use it, you won't WANT to know!" Then ran out of the fortress. Outside the monster was laying on the ground. With most of it's left leg gone it couldn't stand. X aimed her gun at the thing, and was about to fire when she stopped. She reason she stopped was that the monster was slowly starting to turn a darker colour. Slowly it starter to sink in on it's self, and then turn into a gray ash. The only evidence of it's passing was 10 of it's many teeth each about 6 inches long (or HUGE to X in her current size). X let her gun rest as she watched the ash blow away. "Strange, why did they kill it?" She wonder to herself, walking back inside the fortress. Inside she called out, "It's dead, you can all come out now, and close the pannel Dino, it will shut every thing off." Red came out from under the table and brushed himself off, Jerhevon did as well, looking like some of the coffee had worn off. "What was that thing?" Dino ask. Red responded, "A Juraturatarion Slobering Kelp Monger. Or, a big ugly thing for short. There the generaly troops, we will be seeing many of them in the future." X nodded, "And unless we move right now, that future may come way to soon." Dino nodded. Then the four of them moved outside, returned to normal size, picked up the Fortress, and started to move a distance away. * * * High up in the tree near where the fortress was, a single solitary figure sat. Dressed only in a light tee-shirt and geans, he was nearly uneffected by the cool air, and the blowing wind. That was for a very simple reason. He was covered in a layer of thick red fur, which moving in time with the wind. On top of his head was a long mop of red hair, held back with a lether thonge. To long pointed ears poked up through the hair, the left one perced with a small earring. The wiskers of his muzzle where a little lopsided, on the left side was the normal four, but on the right the middle two where missing. If you looked realy close you may have also noticed the pupiles of his blue eyes were slit. His legs had two knees, much like a cat, and shifting behind him was a three foot long tail, with a white tip. When standing he was about five foot 7 inches, not coutning his ears. Most anyone who saw him would instatly call him what he was, a Fox, but no one did, as he was currently invisable. Lighly he claped his paws, watching for four reptiles walking away. "Not bad for a new guy!" He said, then addressed his computer, which looked like a normal wrist watch, but was so much more, and also the reason why he was invisable, "Becks, how much did that little stunt up the odds?" There was a short pause, then a light voice said, "None, they have gone down." The fox blinked, "How?" "X did it herself. They have very little in the way of team work. The current odds of this Dinosorceror winning, two-hundred-trillion to one, aginst." He sighs, "Damn, there goes this universe." "A note," Becks vice said, "The last Dinosroceror won at two-billon to one aginst." He shruged, "Yes, but they could work together. If they do start working as a team, what do there odds go to?" "Four-billon to one." The fox rub his chin a bit, then gave a toothy grin, "Put four thousand credits on them winning." There was a pause, "Foxeris, are you crazy? Thats ninedy percent of your savings!" Foxeris nodded, "I know, but I got a fealing they will win." Becks voice got sturn, "Don't you DARE interfear this time! remeber what happened when you got involved last time?" He rolled his eyes, "So what, Wu still figured it out." "It took him twenty YEARS, and he became a wirehead in the proccess!" He sighed, "Ok, so this time I won't do it on such a grandios scale! If I even do that is, I may not if they can take care of it themselfs." The computer sighed, "And what will you tell the commity when they find out." He grinned, "With you on board, I'm not going to get found out, now lets get a line down." His watch rippeled a bit, and extened a line, which tied to the tree branch he was on. Foxeris then jumped off, and slowly decended to the ground on the line. When he touch down the line was absorbed back into his watch. "It's times like this I'm gald I implimented that Glitch protype that I won into your specs." Becks grumbed, while Foxeris took off following the four reptiles. [Ok, a note on Foxeris, he won't be obvoice in helping, but will every now and again. Also, bouns points to the first one who can find the Niven refferences.] [One more thing, a rull, to make it a bit more silly, X's gun can NEVER be in the same mode twice. :)] --=====================_819253985==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --=====================_819253985==_-- ============= Mail to for list assistance. Use subjects such as 'faq Herpetophile' and 'unjoin Herpetophile' for automatic list commands.