"Absolute Zero: Subjugate" Written by the Dinosorceror of Lava Dome III (Matthew C. Matulaitis) This story is a prequel to the "Absolute Zero" novella, and contains sexual and macrophilic violence. Reader discretion should be discarded. "It was the beginning of the rout of civilization, of the massacre of mankind." -Wells April 16th, 1988 It was all over. Tim watched as the train pulled away from the Warminster train station, his parents aboard. The family car and the family house were now his car and his house for the week. He tried to hold in his elation until the train disappeared from sight, leaving him virtually alone in the sunlight. He then ran back to the car, fumbling the key in the door. He had been milling around the train station with his parents for almost an hour, waiting for them to board the vehicle that would take them a sufficient distance to allow him to have some fun for a change. He sat in the driver's seat of the car with pride, turning on the radio to blare some rock music before starting the car itself. Strange...all he heard was a constant tone. "Must be one of those emergency broadcast tests," he muttered as he searched quickly for a tape and shoved it into the radio. The station wagon screeched across the parking lot, and was soon cruising down a two-lane road that ran right through the Naval Air Warfare Center nearby. The center consisted of several research facilities and an airfield. As he turned and traveled the road that hugged the facility, he heard a loud rumbling sound from overhead, and a large shadow crossed the road before him. He couldn't wait until they closed this facility, as the constant low-flying air traffic could be quite bothersome at times. Seconds after the first shadow, his car and others slowly applied their brakes as they saw at least a dozen more silhouettes cross the road. Tim leaned forward over the dashboard to see what acrobatics these planes were performing. All the traffic on that road came to a slow halt when they saw the sources of the shadows. A cluster of small, very maneuverable craft--definitely not planes--were chasing a single lone craft. It didn't sink into Tim until some form of energy weapon was fired from several ships in the group that these were alien spacecraft. The lone craft was trying desperately to outmaneuver the group of attackers pursuing it, but as Tim watched, it was hit by several of the energy blasts, and went plummeting slowly towards a group of houses less than a mile away. He saw a flash from behind the treeline, then heard an unusual explosion. By this time, Tim and the other drivers on the road had stepped out of their vehicles, lured by fascination. The group of spaceships circled the airfield twice, then landed in a rough circle at the end of the runway, the closest not more than a hundred feet from where Tim stood. The craft were twice as large as the two fighter planes nearby, each shaped in an oddly organic fashion. Almost immediately, portions of one ship separated from the main body, and Tim looked on with incredulous eyes at the pilots... * * * "Damn this fucking planet to hell," Preston muttered to himself as he tried desperately to avoid destruction from the dozens of particle cannons mounted on the enemy ships chasing him. He dove straight towards the surface of the blue-green world, a world he was trying to avoid just hours before. When the enemy made its last assault on their mutual homeworld, and also turned envious eyes toward this planet, he decided to run. To be lost in the cold void of space for all eternity was a better fate than to remain in the center of the hell the enemy was creating around him. He was the last parasaurian alive on his homeworld that he knew of. He had nearly escaped detection in his exodus, but a lone craft, piloted by none other than the enemy leader, had identified his pitifully outgunned craft, and had not given up the chase since. For a time, he considered slamming his ship into the planet's surface, but his own undeniable desire for self-preservation made him pull up at the last moment. He was finally hit by several blasts from the growing pack of pursuers, and was forced to crash between a few native dwellings. * * * Rex grew weary of the hunt, and finally dispatched the pitiful creature. Without waiting for the fool's craft to crash, he began to make preparations for the true nature of his visit to this primitive world. Trion and Vasalla sat in the two chairs behind Rex, and awaited the landing of the craft. Each was without any protective clothing, as Rex had assured them hours ago that they would not be needing it. Trion had been one of the few male servants at Rex's palace. He had always wondered whether it was the fact that he was a triceratopsian, a race traditionally allied with Rex's adversaries, that made his allegiance to their cause intriguing enough to warrant his survival and servitude. He looked over at Vasalla's attractive, naked form, and began to make comparisons in their anatomy, unsure of whether it was to stimulate or sidetrack the feelings he was having towards her. She was a megaraptorian, beautifully endowed with shimmering green scales, much brighter than his own dull brown. Unlike his trunked feet, having four blunt toe-claws on the front, her feet were narrower, having a heel-claw and three forward claws, the innermost one being sharpened and elongated like a sickle. Their hands, however, were similar...three blunted finger-claws and one opposable thumb-claw. Her build was lighter and more lithe than his; and their skulls were, of course, vastly different. His eyes inevitably gazed towards her vent, a barely perceptible slit into which his constantly exposed, now erect penis would easily penetrate. She caught him staring at her, and began to smile. "Thank you," she simply said, hissing and grinning wickedly. He, of course, quickly stared forward and tried in vain to hide his erection. As Rex's shuttle set down on the planet, it cut off a comic statement Vasalla was about to make. Rex's carnivorous maw turned around to face them. "Now is the time for you to perform your greatest and most enjoyable task for our cause." As the cockpit to the shuttle was lifted, Rex motioned for Trion and Vasalla to exit the craft, leaving him alone in the shuttle. As they stepped out of the craft, they looked with a vague interest at their surroundings. The landscape was remarkably plain, and nowhere near lived up to the reputation of the inhabitants possessing anything remotely comparable to their own level of technology. As for the inhabitants themselves, Trion eventually spotted some on a path nearby, and pointed them out to Vasalla. "What frail, withered creatures," Vasalla remarked as they studied the pale beings. They both turned back to Rex's ship when they heard the cockpit hiss closed, just as he was radioing commands to the other ships of the squadron. Moments later, his voice was projected from the hull of the ship. "Your mission here is simple, my warriors. You are to eliminate any and all forms of resistance this civilization has to offer in preparation for our conquest. You are to continue the devastation along the coastline until you meet others I have dispatched. I will return in ten planetary rotations to retrieve you." With those words, the squadron's engines powered up, and all the craft began to ascend. Trion waited for Rex's craft to ascend a few dozen meters, before glancing at Vasalla for a response. His two main horns vibrated nervously as Vasalla's gaze met his. Each was terrified to speak in opposition to their leader, but each was thinking similarly. They had been left--just the two of them, naked and unarmed, sans provisions--on an alien world, and been given the task to destroy it. Surely even these pitiful inhabitants would eventually amass enough resistance to quickly overcome them. They both looked up again at the now rapidly ascending craft, and saw that Rex's shuttle was the lowest of the pack. As they stared, they saw a blue ray of energy shoot down from the ship, directed at them. Their minds were filled with fleeting thoughts of suspected treachery and summary execution when the beam enveloped them, and they grasped each other. Closing their eyes, they awaited the unjust punishment. After realizing they had not been disintegrated, Trion opened his eyes first, and saw something miraculous. Both himself and Vasalla were growing in size! Notions of treachery left his mind as he realized...this was it! This was the rumored weapon that Rex had acquired from his adversaries that would ensure the dominance of their cause! A device that could warp reality and change the size of matter! He quickly gave Vasalla a kiss in his elation, and she opened her eyes, stunned at the receding world below them. She quickly jerked her muzzle back from his, and shouted, "What is happening?" Trion simply looked back at her, with a smile. "We have been given a great honor." Over the course of a few more moments, just at the point when they thought the planet below them couldn't possibly become more detailed, the beam faded, and they looked back up at Rex's tiny shuttle, now just out of arm's reach. "Ten days," his faint voice emanated from the hull, then he rejoined the squadron and streaked through the upper atmosphere. Trion was the first to look down at the world below him, grinning. The area that had been taken up by the squadron on the ground now fit almost entirely in the space one of his toe claws now occupied. As he looked around, he saw that it was like standing on a map. The only structures in his field of vision that even seemed to stand out from the ground were located at the edge of the horizon. He could clearly see the curvature of the planet he was standing upon! His gaze eventually settled on Vasalla's face again. "It's time to claim this world as our own," he boomed, and she simply smiled in reply. * * * Tim, unlike the other passengers of the road, remained completely silent at the sight of the creatures that stepped out of the ships. Dinosaurs...upright, walking, sentient dinosaurs! One looked exactly like a cross between a human and a Triceratops, and the other...the other he couldn't quite identify, but it looked like some type of carnosaur. Both stood almost twice as tall as he did, and then he realized...both were without clothing...and...the one had genitalia that looked so much like his own! How was this possible? Is this the result of some sort of secret government genetics experiment gone awry? As Tim continued to stare, not daring to blink, he felt a vehicle narrowly miss him as it veered off the road and drove across the empty field behind him, in an attempt to flee. As the squadron of craft began to ascend, he was also curious as to why those two creatures had been left behind. He could almost read the worried expressions on the two creatures' faces...and the surprise as a blue beam from above enveloped them. If the sight of these creatures wasn't enough to shock him, watching them grow larger and larger with each breath he took was. Tim slowly began to back away from his car, the last and slowest of the drivers to do so. Still fixing his gaze on the towering heads above him, he tripped on the incline on the other side of the road, and lay paralyzed with fear on his back. As the huge scaled foot of the Triceratops expanded, it reached the fence surrounding the base, flattening it as the creature began to compress the ground beneath it further and further. The heel of the creature now began to stretch across the road, sucking Tim's station wagon beneath it, and was about to reach Tim's legs when the blue glow surrounding the mountain before him dissipated, leaving only a faint smell of ozone. Blocking out the sounds of screaming people, compacting and shifting earth, and a thumping heartbeat from the wall of flesh before him, he gazed up at the goliath. The creature was easily a mile tall. The massive foot that subdued the ground before him had to be a hundred feet long. The view from the giant's heel was so distorted, it was difficult for him to make out the features of the behemoth... * * * Trion motioned for Vasalla to stand by his side, and as she took her first step, they both realized their incredible power. As she lifted her sickled foot, a small cloud of dust was generated beneath her sole by the displacement of air. She thought that she had planted her first step rather gently, but the open ground of the airfield buckled, leveled by her step. Three irregular cracks split the earth as her foot sank into the soft ground, and the shockwaves of the impact shook the tiny, two-story buildings nearest the base to ruin. Again, a small dust cloud was generated around her ankle, as if she was walking on a field of compressed talc. Trion grinned at her achievement, and decided to top her. He crouched down, jumped up as high as possible, using Vasalla's shoulder for leverage, and landed a few steps' distance ahead. His two mountainous feet sank almost to his ankle in the ground, and they saw the earth around him ripple as if it were water. Buildings nearby were blown to splinters as the ground beneath them rose and fell. As the end of Trion's tail connected with the ground, it pulverized another cluster of buildings beneath it, destruction he was completely unaware of. Trion smiled to Vasalla. "I suppose we shall have to tread carefully, if we are to make this world last long enough for us to enjoy it!" he bellowed. "Speak for yourself!" she hissed, as she swept her right foot low across the terrain, her sickle sweeping through dozens of buildings. As a few of the ruins seemed to pop with tiny explosions and burst into flames, she at last noticed a few microscopic creatures writhing on the ground, and a few more on her curved claw. "My, I had almost forgotten!" she growled with pleasure, and sat down to admire her work, flattening acres of land. She brought her clawfoot to her face, ecstatic at the sight of three squirming creatures trying to maintain their hold of her blood-stained claw. Each was missing at least one limb, and she wondered why they bothered to struggle at all, knowing that they would surely die in moments. She extended her thick, foaming tongue, and as it approached her claw, she saw that one creature had wisely plummeted to the ground before his companions were mashed against her tongue. She stroked her tongue along the surface of her claw, and found the taste of the creatures' blood to be quite satisfying, despite being peppered by debris. Trion bent down to examine the few scurrying creatures left standing near his own feet. He tried to catch their scent, but as he inhaled, a cloud of debris as well as a few of the creatures themselves were drawn into his nostrils. He stood up quickly, and snorted them out, pulverizing the irritants and sending them flying an undetermined distance. Trion humphed. "We shall certainly have to travel to a greater concentration of these insects if we are to be sustained by them." Vasalla barely heard him, as she was on her hands and knees, licking her tongue across one of the paths the creatures had constructed for travel in vehicles, enjoying the burst of salty blood that was created when a small metal box containing them would be crushed beneath its weight. "Quite," she replied, withdrawing her tongue. "We shall herd them like ants, and harvest them like livestock!" As she leaned back, she looked at where her clawhands were resting on the ground, and was quite surprised to see some of the creatures actually crawling up her massive talons. "Indeed, they are quite eager to be devoured!" She lifted her hands carefully as she knelt upright, then slammed them together, turning the creatures in her palms to a thin paste, and crushing the bones of the ones on the outside from the force of the impact. She watched as their limp bodies fell to the ground, then opened her palms and cleaned the remains of the rest with her blood-soaked tongue. As she began to stand, her tail writhed back and forth, leveling a tract of land like a great windshield wiper. Trion walked to her side, and offered her a clawhand to help her to her feet. "Come, my dear...let us waste no time. I have a feeling that when we have been here ten days, we will be very reluctant to leave." They strode along one of the creatures' thin paths, laughing as the tiny vehicles tried in vain to escape their unimaginably massive clawfeet... * * * Tim was drawn a dozen feet into the air as the gigantic Triceratops' foot rose quickly in front of him, as if he was a light piece of dust by its side. The sky and ground swirled and blurred, and within moments he found himself wedged painfully in the branches of a tree, several yards from where he had been. As the behemoth landed again, he watched the ground roll up to him, and again he was tossed into the air, this time landing face up on a freshly cut field. He felt his spine contort unnaturally, and found he could not scream to release the pain. He was unable to understand the booming alien tongue they were speaking, but he could easily imagine the sadistic dialogue. His eyes followed the movements of the two giants like a crippled insect, and began to smell something foul. He finally identified the carnosaur as a female, as her gigantic size made her vaginal slit high above him more obvious. He watched paralyzed as she sat down like a mountain falling around him, and it seemed as if the giantess was staring directly down at him. As his vision began to fade, he watched her raise a clawfoot to her mouth, cleansing it...then she placed her tongue down a few hundred feet before him, drawing up earth and people and buildings against its moist, sticky taste buds. As Tim was swept up on her tongue, into her mouth, he wondered if the creature would even taste him as he felt the enzymes in her saliva tingle on his bruised flesh. * * * Preston lay in his cockpit with a bruised leg, and after resting for a few moments was about to climb out of the smoking wreckage when he saw the glowing blue giants growing above him. "By the Egg...what _is_ that?" he whispered to himself as he stumbled out of his shuttle. As the towering creatures reached a gargantuan size, he was momentarily distracted by the native inhabitants of the planet clustered around him, before the unbelievably massive triceratopsian jumped and planted his mountainous feet on either side of his location. The simultaneous pulse from the two clawfeet sent debris, natives, and Preston sailing directly into the air a few yards. Preston was able to land properly and survive the fall, despite his wounded leg, but the frail creatures around him were not so lucky. They screamed in agony around him, as they all stared up at the crotch of the creature, hundreds of feet above them. Preston swallowed with disgust as he saw the towering erect penis above him, knowing that the gigantic bastard was enjoying this destruction immensely. Preston stood and turned to retrieve a handgun from the wreckage of his shuttle, but discovered that the impact of the ceratopsian clawfeet had caused the remains to burst into flame. The wails of torment from the creatures lost in the rubble around him only increased his frustration, and as he was about to silence the nearest with his own clawfoot, the giants began to move again, and he was brought to his knees by the seismic disturbances. He fell upon his intended victim instead, crushing its ribcage flat. Ignoring the bloody mass beneath him, Preston looked up to see the ominous shadow of a massive clawfoot pass over him, raining debris and gore down upon him... * * * The game Trion and Vasalla were playing had yet to tire them. With each step they took along the creatures' path, they sensed and heard the urgency of those trapped beneath the weight of their shadows to escape. Occasionally, they would pause their trip to see how many of the creatures had reached the relative safety of the crotches of their toeclaws during their stompfest; and whereas Vasalla would lick the parasites clean, Trion simply wiggled his toes and ground his victims to jelly. "It's too bad they don't understand our language, Trion," Vasalla pouted as she sat momentarily to rest. The effort of propelling her massive body through the thick atmosphere was beginning to tire her. "We could have even _more_ fun teasing them." Trion grinned. "Somehow, I think fear is a universal language." He bent down to his knees, elevating his tail...to the relief of thousands behind him...and placing his foreclaws down indiscriminately alongside the path they were traveling. He eyed the scurrying ants below him, just within his tongue's reach. "I think you all know perfectly well the fate awaiting you, don't you, little ones?" To his surprise, the pack of bugs beneath him stopped and gazed up at his unimaginably large head. Trion smiled, and whispered, "Perhaps we will give you a choice. Which among you would prefer to be eaten?" He remained silent and motionless for what seemed like an eternity, then saw a handful of the creatures bolt from the pack, undoubtedly due to a welling fear. He extended his tongue and nimbly crushed them, drawing them into his cavernous mouth. He was pleased to see that the others had remained paralyzed. "Very well," he continued. "I can only assume that the remainder of you would like to be crushed." He quickly stood and raised a massive clawfoot over their heads. "I'll make you a deal...if you can gather enough of your microscopic comrades to support the weight of my foot, I will spare you!" Unfortunately, they truly did _not_ understand his words, and as Trion lowered his clawfoot, he saw some of them bolt from underneath it. He tried to imagine what it was like to have a gigantic creature, such as he now was, step upon you...and feelings such a thought generated increased his pleasure threefold. His erection was beginning to be painful. He roared with disappointment at the escaping bugs, and lifted his foot higher and to the side, then lowering it again, gently stomping around the central pack that had not fled; he crushed only those who were trying to escape. In the meantime, Vasalla had crawled to Trion's side to watch the antics, her eyes wide with delight. "See?" he beamed down at Vasalla. "They _can_ be trained!" Trion then knelt alongside Vasalla, and their huge grinning faces pondered the small pack of creatures, on their island of safety amidst a sea of destruction. "I guess they have earned their freedom," he told Vasalla. "Let's help them on their way," she replied, grinning. She drew in a deep breath, and began to blow on them, with Trion soon following suit. The pack was dispersed, sent asunder along with debris from buildings and vehicles. They watched as the tiny frail bodies soared through the air like seeds on the wind, splattering against the sides of the few buildings that still stood. They laughed at their accomplishment, then embraced in a brief kiss. Trion broke off the kiss quickly, explaining, "We will save our celebration for tonight." Vasalla nodded and smiled, and they stood again. "There...down that river. There are buildings _there_ worthy of our destruction!" pointed Trion. "They should house a sufficient number of creatures to satisfy even _our_ hunger!" Vasalla purred, her tail slamming the structures behind her to rubble. "Let us not delay, then...I yearn for the feast!" They quickened their pace along the river, using up a great deal of energy to maintain their speed through the atmosphere. The game was delayed temporarily; thousands of the natives were pulverized without care or forethought as they both were eager to reach what could only be termed a "city" before them, a region sure to have large concentrations of natives to satisfy their growing hunger. They yearned for a greater game. The path the natives used their vehicles on grew wider and wider, and was now littered with gridlocked traffic. When they were but a few strides from the tallest buildings, they both paused to look down at the panic they were responsible for. The planet's star was three-fourths of its path across the horizon, and they saw an incomprehensible number of creatures and vehicles in the long, dark shadows at their feet. The buildings were unlit...the only artificial light came from the tiny vehicles the microscopic beings used to travel. Trion wiggled his toeclaws, scooping up the tiny craft and flattening them. Every so often one would burst into flame, roasting the occupants. "I don't wish to eat so much metal just to devour a few insects," Trion remarked. "Nor do I," Vasalla replied. "I think our best option would be to rout them from those towers onto the ground below." Trion nodded, another vehicle exploding between his toes. "I know a good way to accomplish that." He quickly kicked away the debris. "Entertain yourself for just a little while longer, my dear, and I will conjure a feast!" He kissed her on her handclaw, and strode almost cautiously towards the tallest buildings, apparently in an effort to keep them intact for the time being. Vasalla sighed, and turned her attention to the noisy mob between her legs. "What game shall we play, little ones?" she grinned, huge pondfuls of saliva dripping from her jaw to the bugs below, crushing and drowning them. She saw lights flashing from the corner of her left eye...and saw big toys! Several bridges spanned the river, each different from the others. Vasalla grinned, and stepped into the river to approach them. The river appeared to be broad and shallow, but it had a deep channel in the center, almost as if it had been cut, and she stumbled...her head and arms crashing against the opposite shoreline. Water was vaulted high into the air on all sides of her, washing away the few boats that had been foolish enough to traverse the river...and only one bridge survived the wave. As she opened her eyes, she saw that her head had landed on a few white, pill-shaped drums, and her muzzle was coated with a foul-smelling, black liquid...it tasted like tar. She spit it forth in disgust, and it caught a flame in the distance, flashing back to her muzzle. Roaring in anger, she thrust herself upright, then gouged her flaming nose into the now muddy river to extinguish it. She calmed a few seconds later, and eyed the flaming shoreline. Raising her huge clawfeet again and again, she pulverized the flames, sending shockwaves that crumbled every building she could see on the shore. The pain and anger subsided, and she began to feel playful again; she vaulted into the air, landing with the force of an atomic detonation on her stomach, then began to roll to feel the debris crumble further beneath her unimaginable weight. She savored every crunch, every scream, every explosion she caused, and delighted in it in ways she'd never felt before. When she grew tired from the energy expenditure, she slowly stood, and saw that the entire shoreline had been transformed into a monotonous brown-grey field of ash, speckled by a few fires. She sat upright, lazily crushing any movement she saw with her huge sickle claw on her massive clawfoot, and caught her breath. She was covered in debris and blood, and the stench of death was everywhere; she licked her muzzle in ultimate satisfaction. She turned to face the side of the city that Trion was on, and saw to her absolute amazement the one blue bridge that remained to connect the sides. She crawled slowly, carefully on her hands and knees towards it, laying her head down at its end to eye the length of it. Several of the cables that supported it had snapped, but it still managed to carry hundreds of fleeing natives across its span. "Don't run away, little ones," Vasalla teased, her hot breath washing a dozen of the ants from the bridge, into the mud far below. She snorted in delight, and playfully sank them into the mire with a foreclaw, leaving huge conical divots in the riverbed. She then reached her arms out to the other end of the span, separating and lifting it from the opposing shore. She smiled, amazed that the structure did not simply disintegrate in her grasp. The crowd of the natives knew their fate, she sensed. As the bridge tilted higher and higher, she opened her jaw at the base of it. Before many had the sense to jump into the mud below, the angle became sufficient for all the natives and their vehicles to simultaneously slide down towards her pulsating, frothing tongue. It was a perfect plan...the vehicles stopped as they reached the fence formed by her stalagmitesque fangs, but the natives slipped through or flipped over, entering her maw. As the landslide stopped, she quickly dropped the end of the bridge, and the span finally collapsed to shards of blue metal, almost as if in relief. She stood quickly, her jaw still slightly open, almost chuckling as the natives writhed under her tongue and between her teeth and gums. She inhaled gently, and monitored the airspace below her for natives who chose to jump. Sure enough, two decided to insult her, to reject the honor of death in her stomach by jumping. She clapped her foreclaws before her chest as if crushing two flies. Not waiting to see if any more insects would cause her to suffer further indignity, she tilted her head back, writhing her tongue in her mouth. Her maw flooded with saliva, and just before the tiny creatures drowned, their struggling nearly ceased...she swallowed. Her sensitive esophagus detected every final death spasm of her meal as their already disintegrating carcasses slipped easily into her stomach. She forced a belch, to savor their taste one final time. But still, this was but an appetizer. She turned her gaze to Trion once more, to discover what he had planned to do to gather a meal worthy of them. Trion had carefully circled the center of the city, in an effort to form a moat. His massive feet slowly crushed the smaller buildings around the towering ones, creating deep craters that made a continuous arc of footprints. He did notice that the creatures did indeed see what he was planning, to his amazement, and he had to hurry to complete the circle to prevent the majority from escaping. Reasoning that the insects couldn't swim...after all, they had to build bridges to cross the river...he gouged a short canal and filled the moat with water from the river. It flooded quickly, drowning the few bugs that had already begun to climb down in to the channel to escape. Trion smiled at his handiwork, then turned his attention to the island of buildings, nearly as tall as himself. He knew that the bugs wouldn't understand him if he threatened them, so he chose a non-verbal method to entice them to leave their tall hives. He had a gift that all of his ceratopsian race had: he could concentrate and vibrate his horns at specific frequencies. He tilted his head down, and pointed them towards the buildings. Inaudibly, sonic waves began to pummel the concrete towers, causing them to shudder and the glass on the surface of them to shatter. The crowd that had already formed in the narrow passageways between the towers were showered with a deadly rain. As Vasalla thundered to his side, he stopped the aural deluge, and sat down with her. A small building thrust itself rudely into Vasalla's slit as she sat, and she ground her hips to remove the annoyance, her vaginal muscles expelling the gory debris. Trion nuzzled her chest with his cheek. "We shall wait a few moments for the towers to empty, then we will feast on a well-earned banquet," he murmured. * * * Preston was a runner. He had won many competitions as a youth, but never pursued an athletic career. Now, however, the prowess of his legs was going to save his life, despite his injuries. As the two giants strode over him and away, he stopped momentarily to survey the damage they had caused. The clawfoot craters were so massive that from ground level, it was impossible to determine their orientation. Rubble and debris were everywhere, and sporadic fires became visible on the horizon. He knew that he would have to wait a long time for the giants to leave his line of sight, so he began to run in earnest as soon as he gathered his stamina. He found it easier to run perpendicular to the fleeing mass of natives and their vehicles that it was to run with them. It didn't matter to him--whether he was running directly away from the destruction or at an angle to it, he would still increase the distance between he and it. He followed along one of the creatures' smaller paths, which had already been forsaken by them for larger thoroughfares. He even disconnected his senses for short periods, enjoying the silence. He had lost self-awareness for quite some time, his rhythmic footfalls inducing a trance, completely unaware of the occasional stray, unfortunate creature in his path. When a pain of hunger finally stirred within him, he broke his meditation...and discovered he was amidst towering stone, glass, and metal structures. He gasped and began to notice the reactions of the startled natives around him. He then scanned what sky was visible from his vantage point for the giants...and saw nothing. His sensitive ears could hear nothing but the shouts of the creatures milling about him, and the obnoxious noise their vehicles made. Sighing in the relative safety of the situation, he quickly pushed aside the meaningless beings, and ran in search of an obscure area to hide for a time, to rest and perhaps even search for something to eat. * * * "Allow me to serve you, my dear," Trion offered. After satisfied that the crippled stone towers were sufficiently empty, they both began chopping them off from top to bottom with lashes of their tails, as if harvesting sugar cane. They desired easier access to the narrow causeways the microbes milled in. The debris rained miles away, and kept their swarming crop directly below relatively safe from harm. The stumps of the towers were easily removed by hand, as were the few remaining vehicles...leaving a flat, oval island teeming with tiny life, waiting to service their hunger. Trion wasted no starlight and flexed his foreclaw flat, pressing it down amidst a portion of the milling mob. Their bodies resisted his irresistible strength in jest momentarily, then popped and crunched into a meaty paste within seconds. He carefully flipped his claw palm side up, and presented it to Vasalla. The twitching mass before her was so enticing that she nearly drew blood from Trion's hand in transferring it to her stomach. After swallowing, she reciprocated by slowly lowering her foot onto another section of the island. Closing her eyes to concentrate on the sensations her soft, scaly sole was receiving, it felt as if a thousand hands were massaging her. As a few of the braver creatures began to wiggle up between her mountainous toeclaws, she pressed down harder, feeling the massage turn into a fierce thrashing for survival. She wiggled her toes to crush the daring, then pressed down flat to the earth below, twisting ever so slightly to spread the gore evenly. "Dinner is served," she jested, presenting her blood red sole to Trion. He licked his lips, then drew her tongue in a straight line along her sole, from her heel to her curved talonclaw. He drew the sickle into his mouth completely, washing it clean of food. Trion's foot and Vasalla's tail served as two more serving areas, and more than half of their cattle had been devoured. As Trion was suckling the tip of Vasalla's tail, she gazed at him with wanton eyes. He knew what he wanted as well as she did, and he wasted no time in mounting her. His penis had been erect ever since they had arrived on this insignificant planet, and it was about time it received satisfaction. Trion was about to penetrate her slit, when Vasalla spoke, halting his descent. "Wait. I prefer to be lubricated," she purred, and casually reached over to the island, removing half of the remaining creatures in one massive foreclaw. She spread them as gently as she could over both his penis and her crotch, trying to insure that most of them were still living. In the fading starlight, dozens of tiny creatures clung to Trion's penis as it descended into the crowd surrounding Vasalla's vaginal slit. Vasalla dilated as far as possible, to prevent the insects from sliding off Trion's penis, and she succeeded to a great extent. Trion slowly descended into her, and as his belly met hers, the lubrication was instantaneous. The crowd between Vasalla's legs was instantly liquefied, and the sensation caused Vasalla to contract her vaginal walls around Trion's penis, producing further immediate lubrication from within. With all the creatures pulverized, Trion pumped harder and harder, his blunt foreclaws digging into Vasalla's shoulders. They alternated roars that shattered glass and crumbled the remaining debris around them for miles, and when Trion finally orgasmed within Vasalla, she had sunk deep into the soft earth from his pelvic thrusts. She came moments later, and a flood of white life flowed from their union, tinted a light shade of red. Vasalla arched up and began to lick up the pool as Trion withdrew, standing and roaring in triumph. Vasalla collapsed on her back again as Trion stomped around the island he had created in a victory march. "We are the masters of worlds, Vasalla! Anything we desire shall be ours!" Vasalla could do nothing but grin and pant in reply for a few moments, then sat up. "But I must rest now, my love. I am weary from the exertion." Trion stopped suddenly, and his mind shifted to a caring, supportive role. "Of course, my dear," he said, kneeling in the powdered stone next to her, then sitting beside her. "We have nine more days of pleasure like this to savor." They sat and glowed in their accomplishment, a flat grey and brown plain slowly getting darker as the planet's star went below the horizon. Vasalla then bent over to the water in the moat, having partially clarified from being untouched for a short time, and drank heavily, completely unaware of the dozens of escaping natives she swallowed. Trion also quenched his thirst, then wiping his maw, spoke. "There are still creatures left. What shall become of them?" he asked Vasalla. She used her arms to herd the remaining ants from the wide island into as small an area as possible. "Let me try to educate the ignorant microbes this time." Trion sat back, crossing his arms. "Well, I don't think I had all that much luck myself...these bugs are only good for food...and lubrication. But if you insist," he chuckled, even his softest laugh echoing for an eternity. It was getting harder and harder to see the tiny creatures in the fading light, but Vasalla stood fully upright and again held her unimaginably large clawfoot over the weak crowd. "If you run from me, I shall squash you like the vermin you are," she sneered from high above. Surely enough, small groups were running away from beneath her ominous shadow. Like a jackhammer, she quickly pounded her foot around the main crowd, turning the fleeing bugs into a sticky red film on her sole, which she nonchalantly licked off. Within moments, her foot hovered over them again, the few dozen remaining living creatures for miles. "If you run from me now, I will spare you," she teased, watching and waiting for them to run. Almost a minute passed, and she was about to give up and finish her final lesson, when a lone figure darted out from her instep. * * * "Stupid fools! If you don't run now, you'll die!" Preston shouted. Even if his voice had been loud enough to perceive, his cries were deadened to the giant's ears by her huge clawfoot looming within reach overhead. He tugged at a few of the humans, but they remained motionless, unwilling to move...not understanding anything the giant, nor this similar but normal-sized alien said. Knowing she would not wait much longer, he dashed from beneath her clawfoot just as it descended on the remaining survivors of the island. The air displaced by the impact tumbled Preston to the ground. He quickly righted himself, and felt as if he was being crushed after all...by the weight of the gaze from the enormous eyes far above him. It was apparently too dark now, and he was apparently too small for her to recognize him as someone from her own planet; he wasn't sure if he should be thankful of this fact or not. * * * Vasalla was about to bend down and pick up the one intelligent microbe she had managed to train, perhaps even keep it as a pet, when Trion's foot filled her vision, flattening the lone insect. She looked with half-hearted rage up at his three-horned face, and fumed at his wicked smile. "I don't desire to play seconds to a piece of fungus," he commanded. "You will devote your attention to me, and me alone." Vasalla's hatred turned almost instantly to intense lust, and she embraced his waist, her mouth teasing his penis into an aroused state once more. She knew that although she was an unstoppable goddess to these tiny, insignificant creatures that lived in her playground, she, too, had a deity to worship. Final edition of this text compiled at 11:00pm, October 24th, 1995 by the Dinosorceror of Lava Dome III. Anyone who doesn't know why "Preston" was named as such just isn't a true macro. :) Preston. Pressed on? Oh, nevermind.