"Fifth Fantasy - A Small Initiation Prank" by Timothy and Dinosorceror of FaibanxMUCK Dinosorceror rings the bell at the main counter in the lobby. Timothy enters from the back room to the main lobby of the Fantasy Factory. the Fantasy Factory lobby(#497RJ) The room you are in is the front lobby of the Fantasy Factory. Large, brown-tinted plate glass windows look out onto East Peger Road, filtering the light that comes through, giving the interior a dim, tan cast. A door to the outh leads out to the sidewalk. The floor is made of long slats of wood, tightly fitted against each other and burnished to a rich, deep-wood sheen. A long counter runs across the far side of the room on which is a cash register, a guest book, a small bell and an ink well. The wall behind the counter is completely covered from ceiling to floor with glass-doored shelves save for a small door which leads to the ack. Each shelf is full of items ranging from vials and urns to small stone plaques and other knick-knacks. The walls are hung with several paintings showing various furry creatures of different sizes, physiques and activities. A row of chairs sits in front of the windows where clients can wait. Finally, behind the counter, a black-iron aircase winds its way up through the ceiling behind the counter. Obvious Exits: aircase the ault ack room treet Contents: Dinosorceror SIGN - Fantasy Price List(#580C) ------------------------------------------ Timothy is a lean, largely-muscled Arctic Fox. His fur, however, rather than being purely white, is actually a very light blue. His whiskers are long and graceful, extending from beneath his slim muzzle to either side. His eyes are a deep green and seem to sparkle with an inner light. He wears a simple, dark blue T-shirt emblazoned with the slogan, "Magick is knowing a Blue Fox". This shirt fits very tightly, showing off his physique which he is quite proud of and works out constantly to maintain. Finally, he wears tightly-fitting, cut-off shorts in an almost effeminate manner, revealing his well-toned thighs and masculine curves and bulges. He wears small, ankle-hugging sneakers and seems to bounce a lot when he walks. His brilliant tail swishes constantly behind him as he moves a long with a grace that belies his huge, muscular physique. Standing at about six feet tall, this foxy man is a bit taller than the average vulpine. Dino appears as a blue-green anthropomorphic Parasaurolophus. To most people, he's simply referred to as a weesaur, because of his ability to change his size at will, through the use of a device known as the Lens which is implanted in a forearm. Apart from the brown tunic with darker brown belt that he wears, he has little other distinguishing features. His crest has a black stripe running down its length to his nose. He has six fingers, two thumbs, six toes and two heelclaws, all of which are a dull, blunted ivory. You'd never guess such an unimpressive creature is really the figurehead of Lava Dome IV Enterprises. Carrying: CURRENT SIZE: 8' tall Dinosorceror hoots, "I, um...had an appointment?" Timothy nods to you with a smile. "Indeed you do, my good sir... You were looking into a certain, large-scaled fantasy, were you not?" Timothy walks opposite you on the other side of the counter and looks up at your tall, masculine features with an appriasing eye. Dinosorceror hoots, "Um...ah...yes, yes, that's me." Timothy smiles. "Well, you are in luck Dinosorceror... For you see," Timothy looks around the shop as if checking to see if the two of you are truly alone. He then leans closer and -in a subdued tone- whispers, "I have found a truly ancient artifact that should make your fantasy truer than you had ever hoped...!" Dinosorceror looks around shiftily as well, then his eyes widen. "R-really?" Timothy allows a smile to spread slowly across his slender, white muzzle. Nodding, he stands back up and takes a few steps back. "Yes," he replies. "Really." Lifting up a trap door behind the counter, he glances at you and smiles. "Wait here, please..." Dinosorceror nods, and trembles with giddiness inside. Timothy opens the trap door behind the counter and descends into... The Vault (the Fantasy Factory)(#504RJ) This dark chamber is lined with shelves, has barrells and boxes littering its floors in a symphony of ordered chaos. There is a feeling of narrowly contained power here, as if there is some great arcane force being dampened. All along the nooks and crannies of this place, you can see numerous items, antiques and knick-knacks. Obvious Exits: ain lobby Contents: Macro-Injector(#435C) Omega-Omega-Omega Letter Jacket(#601C) the Jade Dragon(#569C) Pendant of the Fae(#436C) Origami Paper(#575C) Kangaroo Shoes(#503C) Barter Coin(#515C) Timothy looks down at the Pendant of the Fae. It looks like a slender blue crystal bound to a silver chain with loops of copper wire, the lovely piece of jewelry glows deeply from within and seems to carry within it an image of it's possessor. It seems to pulse when you touch it, reflecting in its magick the size and shape-changing desires of it's owner. Picking it up, the fox re-ascends the stairway to the Fantasy Factory lobby. Timothy smiles as he returns to the room, carrying a small piece of jewelry. "Here it is..." he says, holding it out for you to see... Dinosorceror's eyes are transfixed on the pendant, and he takes it from Timothy's paw. "So, this'll...this'll do it?" Timothy smiles. "It will... But not in your hands. It shall be in the hands of the very person whom will put you in your tiny, little place..." He smiles. "It carries within it, the essence of the Faerie ... the little folk." Dinosorceror hands the pendant back to Timothy, after examining it, shuddering a bit as his words. "Wow...okay..." "Now, are you sure of this? You realize that you'll be come very helpless, don't you? Dinosorceror swallows. "Yes. Y...yes, I'm sure." Timothy smiles. "Then follow me back into the Factory and Office number two..." Timothy walks through the rear door into a fine, dimly-lit wooden hallway and then through a small doorway into Office 2. This is a sparse office, with a hardwood desk, four chairs in front of it, a laptop computer, three file cabinets and a few paintings on the walls showing past fantasies sold to prominant clients. Obvious Exits:
hallway Dinosorceror has arrived. Timothy walks over behind the desk in the room, sits down and idly twists the Pendant in his paws from it's cord. "Now then, you realize that you will have to forget making this appointment; otherwise, the fantasy will not seem as real to you..." Dinosorceror licks his lips. "Of course." "Good. Now, look closely at the stone hanging from this Pendant. Look very closely and tell me what you see..." The fox holds it out before you, twirling it slowly; letting it catch the light in the room and sparkle gently. "Look deeply..." Dinosorceror walks over and sits down at one of the chairs. He leans forward and squints at the pendant. "I see..." "Pretty, isn't it?" Slowly, the spinning crystal fills you vision as you peer at it, feeling a subtle warmth emanating from the colorful facets. "You know, some cultures used to believe that the entire Universe was encapsulated within crystals like these; each facet another world, plane or frame of existence..." Dinosorceror's eyes start to blur and glass over. Timothy smiles. "You've always enjoyed large women, haven't you, sir? Large, powerful women... To put you in your place..." Dinosorceror nods slowly, swallowing, still transfixed on the pendant. Timothy closes his eyes, still talking to you, as the pendant seems to grow before your vision. It expands steadily, filling your sight with it's sparkling colors and sending shudders of forbidden desire through your mind and body. You find yourself forgetting where you are and what are you doing here. Rather, you remember your days at Faibanx University; the long hours, hard work and initiation pranks you had to participate in to get admitted to Kappa-Omega-Pi. But was it really that long ago...? The world seems to fade and re-focus itself slowly as you get your bearings and lose sight of the world-filling Pendant... Dinosorceror begins to feel like a young student again...everything becomes blurry... In the darkness of the brush, trees and landscaping of Faibanx University, the all-women's dorm -Arial Hall- looms ahead. In the darkness, rectangles of light show facets of the lives enshrouded within, the young women living here, studying, talking, working out or just chatting with their friends. Timothy Triceratops, doesn't appear to be in her room at the moment; only a small desk lamp illuminating the space beyond her open window and fluttering curtains. Dinosorceror, on strict instructions from the masters at Kappa-Omega-Pi to steal a personal diary from one of the sorority girls in Arial Hall, spots what appears to be the easiest venue from his stance in the underbrush nearby. He shares a class or two with Timothy Triceratops, and recognizes her bookbag on her dresser that he can see through the first floor window. Not having a ladder or anything for climbing, he chooses her room as the first to hit, hoping she has a diary to take. He quickly darts throught the darkness to the open window, and peers inside. It is a private room...only one bed, one dresser, one desk. A pair of rather wide , well-worn fuzzy open-toe slippers are near the bed...built to house her wide feet. Timothy is either in the communal hall watching television, or might be using the shower down the hall. He steps inside and heads for the dresser. The room is simply appointed and built for the single occupant. A few paintings hang on the walls showing archaic scenes from the days of Lore. Powerful dragons loom over frightened inhabitatnts of tiny castles; whole armies shivering at the prospect of the titanic beast bearing down upon them. Still other wall hangings show photos of Lions on the African Savannah and similar large predators from around the world. Then, across the room through the narrow, open door, you see a bed and a desk, upon which lie several books, concealed in the shadows. Dinosorceror notices the books on the desk, but thinks that if a girl were to have a diary, it'd be kept in her clothes dresser, hidden under some garments, rather than out on the open. He carefully grasps the knob of the top drawer in the dimly-lit room and pulls it out. Several layers of neatly folded undergarments lie in the top of the drawer, their lacy, green, red and black cloth, silken to your touch as you start to sift through them. A blouse lies beneath the topmost layer, obviously not worn much -set apart as it is from her other clothing- but concealing a small sheaf of papers and -indeed- a small book beneath. You can't make out anything more than this at the moment, but there is a small lamp on the dresser that could be turned on... Dinosorceror pushes aside the clothing, and lifts the book out of the dresser. He walks over to the desk lamp to examine it. In the low light, the script-like words, "A Daily Journal" can be revealed on the book's cover. Indeed, inside, there seem to be small, inserted pages and even photos. Dinosorceror, in his foolishness, forgets that all he needs to do is get the book and go back out the window. He opens the book and examines some of the words and photos inside, crouched down beside the desk. The first few pages seem rather mundane, describing moving into the dorms, meeting new friends and even meeting a few guys around campus. She even says how she seems to like some of the small fellahs on the gymnastics team; that they really know how to appreciate a woman. Still, several pages later, the writings turn a tad ... odd. She starts 'talking' about how several of the guys she's met really seem to enjoy looking up to her and it really gives her a feeling of power; almost a lust for it. But beyond those pages, you find several photos of some other students. All of them male, they look universally scared, from a perspective as if the camera were over their heads and very close to them ... the photos are rather blurred as a result. Dinosorceror's brows furrow as he tries to figure out exactly what's driving Timothy to write such strange things. Upon hearing footsteps in the hallway beyond, his heart absolutely stops. He first tries to guess how long he's been foolish enough to sit in Timothy's room! Idiot, idiot, idiot! he screams to himself. The footsteps are very close, and the door to the dorm room already cracked open...he'd be seen if he tried to scramble back out the window. Instead, he quickly places the diary back on the floor and dive-slides under the foot of the bed, turning his crested head sideways. Fortunately for him, the bed is over a foot off the ground, and doesn't have anything stored under it but dust-bunnies. The cover sheets lift up enough that he can see the slippers outside, and the bottom of the door to the room swing open. Timothy enters the main room, just outside, finishing drying off her smooth hide with a rough towel. Her huge feet splay broadly against the floor as she walks across the polished, hard-wood floor, coming closer to the bedroom. The door opens and light floods the hidden Dinosorcerer's eyes; Timothy's large feet and calves flexing as she walks into the room and stops. "What th'...?" comes her voice as she spies the diary on the floor. Walking over, her feet get nearer to you, pounding the ground with their steps as she reaches down to pick up the fallen book. The muscles beneath her toned, white hide flex and ripple subtly; the arch of her foot raised slightly as you hear her flipping through pages. A few seconds pass and then you hear the drawer of her dresser open and close. Swiftly, the large feet turn about on the balls of Timothy's feet, and stride with purpose out into the main room where you see her look outside the window before closing and locking it. Dinosorceror watches the movements of Timothy through her heavy footsteps, and winces to himself as he hears the window lock. He had been hoping for her to run right back outside and inform campus security of the occurrence, but no! She has to lock the window on him! He begins to dread being trapped in the room until the next morning... Timothy turns from the closed window and sits down on the chair by her study desk in the main room. She holds onto a small, glittering item in her hands, turning it over and over as she peers into it and ponders its colors. Her huge feet curl against the smooth floorboards; blunt claws scraping against them in a steady, almost rhythmic pattern. "Well," she says aloud, her voice full and heady, "it would seem that I have had a visitor... Perhaps that visitor is still here...?" It almost seems, from the upturn in her voice, that she may be aware of your presence in her room... Dinosorceror winces again, squinting, his teeth almost chattering. All he can see are the curling toes of your foot scrape into the varnish of the hardwood floor. Timothy smiles to herself, pressing the gentle slopes of her foot arches now flat against the floor in a smooth, almost practiced action. "Well, perhaps we can see if that's the case..." she says with a snort of derision. Then, a low tingle seems to creep up the base of your spine; a coolness spreading from it as the strange sensation quickly moves to cover your body. Timothy leans back in her chair and cradles the small Pendant; focusing her will upon it and smiling as she finds something that shouldn't be in her room. "Gotcha..." she whispers in a semi-loud voice... Dinosorceror begins to twitch all over, causing the springs in the bed above him to squeak. "What?" he says in a stuttered whipser as his sideways view of the floor starts to blur. Timothy stands up swiftly, her large feet provoking an ominous boom from the floorboards as she stomps closer to your hiding place. However, as the feet thunder closer, you feel an odd tightness filling your body and -suddenly- you findyourself bouncing against the floor; the booms reverberating through it suddenly much more powerful and threatening! In fact, the whole expanse of space beneath the bed seems different; vast... Almost as if you have been swiftly transported to another room; one in which you could stand up completely beneath the springs to the bed Dinosorceror's vision clears, partly due to the impact of Timothy's feet. He sits up, rubbing his crest, and then looks up...it's several feet to the bedsprings above! He leans over and crawls over on his belly to the edge of the bed, still in the shadow of the bedsheets...he sees two huge slippers that he could crawl inside of! He's...somehow...shrunk, to a little under a foot tall?! The bed and the huge slippers only catch his attention until Timothy's next footfall, only a few steps away from the bed! Timothy's second, huge foot suddenly falls, BOOMING to the floor, only a few feet away from the shrunken dinosaur. "Well, well... What have we here?!" A powerful, thundering voice ripples from overhead as you gasp upwards at the titaness standing over you. Her hands placed on her hips, her face seems to be almost amused as she catches a glimpse of you near the rim of the bed. "Seems like I have a visitor...!" Dinosorceror looks up and makes eye contact with the towering triceratops giantess, her head oddly seeming smaller than it should be from his minute perspective. For a few brief moments, he's torn whether to scamper back under the bed and try to flee, or confront his new captor. Thinking that he could do little to escape, and too shocked into fascination, he gets to his tiny feet and walks out from under the bed, pushing aside the bedcovers and standing between your slippers. "How...how did you do this?" he simply asks, in a comical squeak of a voice which he's shocked to hear come from himself. Timothy laughs loudly and carefully slides the Pendant in her hands around her neck. She shakes her head at your tiny voice and smirks, mockingly. "Oh, so *now* you decide to speak, pet?" She grins, putting emphasis on the word 'pet' as if to show your low status compared to her relative size. Casually, she kicks forward with one foot and knocks the slipper to one side of you away, standing where it once was; huge toes splayed firmly against the smooth floor. "You don't get to ask questions anymore, thief! Although like any dog or cat caught getting into his Mistresses belongings, feel free to plead and beg for mercy...!" Dinosorceror's questions are turned to feelings of dread as your huge thick foot presses down heavily against the floorboards next to him, the wood creaking and moaning in his tiny ears. "But...I wasn't stealing...I was...it was to get into..." He tries to explain himself, but he can no longer bear to hear his pitiful squeak of a voice. Thoughts flash through his mind: will he stay this way forever? What will she do with him? From the mood of her statements, he thinks perhaps he should try to escape, as he may have no other choice. As pitiful as it seems to you, he breaks your gaze and runs between your feet. Timothy swiftly -very swiftly for a being so collossal to your eyes- the giantess spins on the balls of her feet. Her giant toes swish past you as you make a break for the bedroom door, but with several booming steps, she reaches it and half-closes it, putting a giant foot in the way of the opening. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, RUNT?!!" she booms, in an accusing tone! "Perhaps I left you too much of a man that you still think you can get away from me!" Dinosorceror tries to scamper-slide to a stop, but the dust on the smooth floor makes it too slick. He thuds into the arch of your huge foot, his arms scrambling against your white hide momentarily. Now running on instinct alone, he immediately springs off your foot and starts to run in the opposite direction. Timothy suppresses a snarl as she swings her blocking foot forward, watching as you scamper like a rabbit back towards the overhang of her bed. A thundering >BOOM< shakes the floor beneath your feet, shaking you almost to your knees as it's quickly followed by another >BOOM< and a third after that! Then, with a sudden, blunt impact, Timothy's giant hand reaches down and pushed you firmly, head-over-heels, forward onto your face! You feel the smooth floorboards skid beneath you as you slide, still several feet from the lip of the bed... "Well, looks like you've still got some spunk in you, pet!" she observes. "Not for long though...!" Dinosorceror grunts and gets one side of his head and all of his underside coated in a thin layer of dust from the floor as he slides to a stop, a foot or so before the remaining slipper, which is a short distance from the edge of the bed. Two of Timothy's giant, blunt toes push up against your side then, and -abruptly- slide beneath you. Lying over the bridge of her right foot, you only have a second to catch your bearings as, with a flip, the giantess, lifts her foot up and nudges you over onto your back. A casual movement to her, the sudden shift feels as if you've been flipped like a flapjack in a giant pan! Timothy's huge form looms over you, her face a study in domineering power and displeasure. "Now," she says slowly, "let's try this again..." Firmly, the huge foot that flipped you onto your back rises and settles over you; her toes splaying to either side of your head as she puts some pressure down on your tiny, prone form. "What were you doing in my room, pet?!!" Dinosorceror grunts again, a pathetic squeak to your ears, as his tiny heart and labored breathing flutter under your sole. His arms strain to push the huge toes away from his shoulders. "No...p..lease...I just...just needed your...diary..." Timothy suppresses a laugh at your squeaking, shrunken voice; instead, raising an eyebrow beneath the ridge of her twin horns and scowls. "Needed my diary? Why?" she asks suspiciously. The pressure from her foot slowly increases, the smooth powder she apparantly applied after leaving the shower room filling your nostrils with both the floral scent as much as her own scenet between her toes... Dinosorceror squints, overcome by the powder as well as the pressure from your titanic foot. His arms desist their futile struggle to even budge your toes. "For...frat..." he squeaks. Timothy snarls louder and presses her toes down on top of your shoulders more firmly. "Flat? You want to be flat, you say? Speak up, pet!" Dinosorceror wheeze-squeaks, "Please...can't breathe...no...no room under...under here..." Timothy grins and leans forward slowly. A grin spreads across her muzzle as she licks her muzzle slowly. "Oh really?" she says, "Is your Mistress being too harsh on you by not giving you enough room? IS THAT IT?!!" She pushes down a bit harder now and then eases off just enough for you to answer her. Dinosorceror gaspsqueaks, taking in the scented air from between your curling, titanic toes. "Yes...yyyyes! There's not enough room for me to breathe under here!" Timothy curls her toes around your shoulders firmly and listening to the BOOMING scraping as giant curls of wood are scraped up on either side of your head from her claws. "Then, I'll fix that for you, my pet..." she says in a faux-soft voice. Then, with that, the giantess raises her hand to the pendant on her neck and clenches it tightly. A tingling flows in your body again and slowly, the pressure begins to ease off of you... But -all of a sudden- as you gasp for air, you notice that things seem different. With a falling sensation, you realize that you've been shrunk again! GIANT toes curl against the floor on either side of you, your whole body barely the size of one of her claws! "HOW'S THAT?" booms the titan's voice. "IS THAT ENOUGH ROOM, MY LITTLE MOUSE?!!" Dinosorceror gasps and scampers away a few millimeters on his back as he gazes at his new predicament. The huge toes which were once pressed around his shoulders are now like huge mounds on either side of him! "Please, no!" he teenysqueaks, barely audible. "I...was going to return the book! Honest! I just needed it to get into a frat!" Timothy, barely able to hear your diminutive voice, cocks her head and slowly kneels. Looking up at her, it's as if a giant hillside were collapsing down on top of you. Giant muscles, many times your height, ripple and flex in her legs and calves; her huge form lowers towards you as she peers at you again, between her toes and snorts derisively. The smell of her body innundates your tiny nostrils as she grins wickedly. "REPEAT THAT, MOUSE. I'M HAVING A HARD TIME HEARING YOUR PLEAS!" Dinosorceror stands and then kneels between your toes, completely dwarfed by their presence...much less the size of your foot...much less your titanic head hovering over him, washing your breath across his tiny form. "Please, help! Don't shrink me anymore!" He then pauses...and once again steps back mentally and thinks what's going on. You haven't hinted at any remorse or desire to free him, so he decides it's up to him to free himself. He turns and sprints from between your toes, at a truly pathetic speed making for a comical sight to your giant eyes, leaving the presence of your foot and heading for the slipper nearby. Timothy watches her tiny mouse run from her with a smile on her face. She shakes her head casually and grins as you reach the heel of the slipper and make your way along to it's open toed front. Standing again, she walks over and sits on the bed, watching as you dash up to the opening. "Shrink you some more? Why that's a splendid idea!" she says, toying with the pendant... Dinosorceror falls to the ground with each of your footfalls at his tiny size, and eventually crawls on all fours as you sit on your mountain of a bed, the springs creaking and moaning. He peers up at you from the side of the toe of the slipper, and sees you gazing at your pendant. He scampers up and hides inside the slipper, the heady aroma of the well-worn footwear assaulting his tiny senses. He hopes that you think he dashed under the bed as you're distracted by your pendant, while in the meantime he hides in the musty darkness of the front of your slipper, seeing the huge impressions your toes have crushed into the terrycloth sole, nearly wearing through to the leather sole. Timothy smiles and lets her pendant fall beneath the collar of her t-shirt, sliding her hands down to lift it off. From where you stand you can only barely catch sight of the giantess, several hundred feet above you, pulling off her shirt; letting the warm air of her room caress her flesh. But, as stirring as such a view might be, you soon are knocked off of your feet as the heavy, worn slippers lurch and move, her hand on the top of them and sliding them around so their heels face her. "Mmmmmm.... You seem to enjoy looking up at me," she says with a smile, "perhaps -before you get any smaller- you'd like to see even more!" With that, the giantess' toes come into view, sliding down into the vast slipper, sliding down towards you... Dinosorceror grasps the terry cloth as the titanic slipper shakes around, and he peers up to see your sneering muzzle above the heel in the light, hearing your thundering statements, as if a goddess. He shriek-squeaks as your face is replaced with your thick, warm toes, thudding down onto the terrycloth sole and sliding in his direction! He scampers to the side of the slipper, near the edge of the open toe, trembling in the crusty darkness. Timothy's huge toes press swiftly into the cramped, sweaty quarters; her feet now pushing up against you and firmly squeezing you against the walls of the terry cloth prison! She smiles, feeling the walls give as your paralyzed body is pushed tighter and tighter between her toe and the wall of the slipper. "Don't be afraid, little one..." she says, mockingly. "Soon you'll be so small, it won't matter if I step on you or not... I just want to have some fun, first..." Dinosorceror starts to wriggle and crawl, but in the tumble of your titanic foot filling the slipper, he got turned around...he unknowingly scampers towards past the crushing ball of your foot towards the arch, further into the slipper! His tiny, wriggling form must tickle the delicate scales of the instep of a triceratops giantess. He finds breathing easier near the arch of your thick scaly foot, although the aroma is quickly becoming moist and pungent to his tiny senses. Timothy chuckles and the floor shifts from under you as Timothy's huge foot slides across the floor! In terror, you realize your mistake and see the huge arch waver over your head, bobbing up and down and threatening your tiny, inch-tall body! "STOP IT! S...STOP MOVING OR ... OR I'LL STOMP YOU FLAT!" she orders in a thundering voice! Dinosorceror doesn't consciously disobey your order...instead, his tiny mind is driven completely by instinct once again. Once he sees the huge arch, sole, and heel of your foot lift out of the back of the slipper, he realizes he went the wrong way, and starts to crawl on all fours back along the seam of the slipper, back between the ball of your foot and the heady terrycloth inside of the slipper. Timothy suppresses a moan of subtle pleasure at the feeling of your tiny body whisping against her huge foot. She shivers, clenching her teeth and lifting the ball of her foot slightly. She feels your tiny little body scrubbing against her smooth, damp foot's contours as you drag your way towards her toes and the opening to the slipper. She shivers again and watches the opening, pressing the ball of her foot down again slowly as she feels you pass that point. Your tiny legs are getting squeezed tighter and tighter as you see the light between the Trike's toes ahead... Dinosorceror takes advantage of the elevation of the massive white scaly ball of your foot, and crawls further into the heart of the slipper, seeing the light between your toes. He squeakles unheard as your foot lowers again, however, pinning his tiny legs and tail into the moist terrycloth sole, leaving only his teeny arms to scramble and try to clench the terrycloth between two of your hot, humid toes. His legs can only twitch and wriggle underfoot, while his arms and hands begin to skritch the walls of your toecrotch that pins him from above. Timothy thunders high above you, leaning back on her bed as she feels your tiny, feeble attempts to free yourself... "OoooooHHHHH!" she booms, sliding a hand up over her chest lasciviously. "THAT'S A GOOD MOUSIE... STROKE YOUR GODDESS' FEET...!" The huge, subtle scales of the Triceratops' foot settles down on you and lifts again, pressing and letting up in a rhythmic manner as you pant and struggle for freedom. Dinosorceror twists about, from his back to his front to his back again, as your huge, moist foot grinds him into the sole of the slipper, then lets him up for musty air again. He squeakles and cries out for help again, which you are nearly oblivious to. He manages to crawl up between the two toes around him and free his legs on one of the goddesses' upswings, and scrambles and clambors for his tiny life. A sudden, cruel expression crosses the giantess' face as she feels your tiny form scamper between her toes. She licks her lips slowly from one side of her muzzle to the other and sits up abruptly. Like a trap snapping shut, she clamps her giant toes together around your tiny, fleeing body; pressing tightly against you and pinning your arms against your sides! Dinosorceror lets out a rather large squeak as the air is forced from his lungs and the blood rushes to his tiny head! He can do little more that wriggle and squirm like a trapped bug as his face is mashed into the aromatic toecrotch of your titanic footclaw. He tries to squeak, "I can't breathe -- no room!" again, but he has no air. Timothy grins as she slides her foot out of the slipper, dragging your tiny, squeaking body back towards the heel. She grins, feeling your tiny limps press outwards against her giant toes and laughs lightly at the tonal quality of your voice. She keeps squeezing, feeling your struggles grow weaker and weaker ... just holding your body at the heel of her slipper until -just before you pass out- she lets go and lifts her huge foot away from you. Her huge eyes look down upon you then, her three horns framing her head to your gaze as you pant for breath... Dinosorceror falls to his side in the worn heel-spot on the terrycloth sole of the slipper, coughing and choking and wheezing for air as you gaze at his tiny worm-like form. After a few moments, he regains his stamina and meets your gaze, like a wounded worm looking up at you. While he squeakles for mercy, he slowly crawls on his back, back towards the dark, moist toe of the slipper. "Please, Mistress...no more! When...when your toes press around me, I can't breathe! Spare me!" Timothy pauses, her expression -as broad as a dirigable floating overhead- looking as if she's pondering your request. Then, slowly, she shakes her giant head and smiles. "Well, I could do that and keep you as my tiny pet for the rest of your miserable life, but I think I'd like to try something new..." She smiles. "You see, I've had many pets your size before, tiny, but never have I gone smaller..." Slowly, she reaches down for your tiny, panting form. Huge fingers clamp against your chest and back as she lifts you effortlessly from the slipper's heel up past her vast, naked chest and opposite of her titanic, muzzle horn. Her eyes cross slightly to stare at you as she uses her other hand to fondle the crystal. "I want to see how it feels to make you really, REALLY small!" Dinosorceror wriggles in your titanic pinch. "No, please...if I were any smaller, I'd disappear!" Timothy nods slowly as you feel a tingle fill your miniscule body. "Exactly... And then, my little flea, you'd never be able to escape...!" With that, you feel your body tremble, the vibrations filling you once more as the huge claws holding you up SWELL and grow enormously! Your tiny, pleading cry rises in pitch as to be totally unaudible to the giantess as you see the barest tips of her claws loom around you like eighteen-wheeler trucks! She slips her hand flat -an earthquake to you- and peers at your form as you dwindle down and sink into one of the creases between her scales on her collossal fingertip, just beneath the jutting precipice of her claw... "OOOOOOOHHHH!" She exclaims, the breath from her mouth like a hurricane, bellowing with the voice of God. "YOU'RE *SO* SMALL!!!" Dinosorceror is shaken to his bones as your voice thunders around him, causing an earthquake on the new landscape he's on. He realizes he is now nothing more than a speck of dirt near the base of a fingerclaw, your huge muzzle now becoming his sky, your eyes like moons. He tries to squeak, "Nooo!" but knows you could never hear his microscopic plea. He shudders to think what your slipper would look like to him now... Timothy smiles broadly, her glistening, blue eyes like massive clouds floating above you. But, with a wrenching sensation, you find yoruself dropping, Timothy's finger dropping youdown lower and lower towards her slipper's open toes. The massive folds of terry cloth, rishing up to meet you. The huge fibers are just as wide as you are -your speck-like body so tiny it can barely be seen by her naked eye! She grins, lowering you don and dropping you off, your light weight bouyed by the air and breaking your fall as you tumble to the sole of her slipper between a tangle of terrycloth fibers... "NOW, IT'S AT AN END..." she booms, looking down at her slippers....! Dinosorceror frees himself of the tangle of terrycloth, then looks to an area where the tangle isn't as dense. Thinking he has to run as fast as he can, he makes his way through the field of terrycloth to an area where it's been pressed flat, so he can scamper faster...and then realizes...this must be where one of your now mountainous toepads crushes against the sole! Quickly, he tries to scamper back out of the huge crater... Timothy smiles and casually puts her foot into her warm, fuzzy slipper. The smells of her sweat and flesh descends around you as darkness fills the sky! Looking up in terror, you see the bottom of the sole of her large toe falling towards you. Each of the tiny, little scales tight to her flesh is easily ten times your own height, the huge toe descending and crushing against the fibers that surround you, pressing down on you, closing in tighter and tighter and tighter... Dinosorceror falls on his back, whimpering. Never before has he felt so meaningless, so tiny! He finds himself stuck to the edge of the crater by its moistness, and his mind goes completely blank with shock as a huge toeclaw THOOMS! down behind his head. A moment later, the scaly toepad of the goddess' foot presses into the snug-fitting terrycloth crater, not even feeling the momentary resistance of a speck on the side that disappears without a sound a millisecond later. Dinosorceror's consciousness fades as Timothy presses down tightly and smiles, feeling nothing but soft cloth against her toes as she stands up, pulls on her shirt and shorts, and goes for a walk... The stain that once was Dinosorceror fades into dust in only three footsteps. The mists of the world slowly fade back into being, Dinosorceror finding himself waking up in the chair across from Timothy. The young fox smiles and slowly pockets the Pendant as he watches you shake your head and get your bearings... "There... How was that?" he asks with a smile. Dinosorceror is moist from sweat...and other fluids. His eyes slowly focus on the fox, then he closes his eyes and leans over in the chair. "Oh, my God...that was...unbelieveable...!" Timothy smiles and rises, walking over to pat your shoulder. "I was hoping you'd say that... Did it meet your expectations, then?" Dinosorceror finds it funny that while his outside is moist, his mouth is bone-dry. "Absolutely," he says dryly. Timothy smiles. "Good, good..." He grins and helps you to your feet, embracing you tightly. "I'm glad I could fulfill your fantasy. Do you think the fifteen Kruft is worth it?" Timothy holds out his paw for his payment. Dinosorceror gives you 150 Kruft. Timothy blinks at the amount. "Oh, you seem to have overpaid me, sir..." Dinosorceror hoots, "No, no...if you won't accept that much, consider it an...open account." Timothy smiles with a wink and dnods. "As you wish, good sir. I'm glad we have been able to do business." And, with that, he pockets the Kruft and smiles to his new customer.