After several days of searching, Dino managed to find out where AEI's new headquarters was at. He, Jenn, and Helvetica had decided that someone needed to go in there to find out what was going on. Using his Lens, he shrunk himself down to about an inch and waited outside the ordinary-seeming building, hiding in the grass. There wasn't any visible security, but he couldn't be seen entering. Dino had brought along provisions..just in case he was trapped in there at his small size. He couldn't live on toejam, no matter how much he wished he could, so he had brought a pack along with him, shrinking it to fit in his pocket. A few hours later, he saw what he was waiting for. Brandon Clegg stepped out through the glass doors, presumably to just get outside..Dino didn't care why, really. This was his chance. He waited until Brandon stopped by his hiding place, then he ran for his foot! The huge dragon didn't even notice as the tiny parasaur scrambled up a claw and squeezed in between his toes. Dino was almost squished as Brandon began to walk again. He would have crawled under the foot, but he wanted to see where he was being taken. After a short while, Brandon stepped back into the building, Dino happily being pressed between his toes. He passed a few offices, and then came to a room full of soft chairs, couches, etc. Tanya was laying on a couch, looking as new as before. Dino decided that now would be a good time to hop off. He wanted to get back into one of those offices.. He climbed out from between the toes, stopping for a moment to grab some toejam and give Brandon a quick claw cleaning. As soon as he hopped down, however, Brandon turned around and headed back. "Drat! Figures.." He was alone in the room with Tanya, and he was in the middle of the floor. This was NOT good, since Tanya probably had exceptionally good vision and would notice him, especially since the floor was white. Tanya, however, was busy reading a magazine, so she wouldn't notice as he slipped out. Dino turned around and headed for the door... THUD......THUD. Dino looked behind him in panic, seeing that Tanya had put her feet down and was standing up! He decided that his only chance was to hope she didn't see TOO well. He quickly shrank down to a millimeter, so small that few would even notice him. Tanya, unforunately, was an android. She took two steps and stopped, looking down at a speck on the floor. "Eww, an ant..we can't have ants in the building, now, can we?" Her feet came closer..closer, and Dino realized he was about to be stepped on. But wait! She thought he was an ant, and an ant would run, so he did. It did no good, since she was so much larger. The clawed dragon foot slowly came down.. He was underneath her foot. He had managed at the last moment to wiggle into a place where her foot didn't quite touch the floor, but it was still pressing down on him. It was then that Dino noticed that Tanya's feet didn't smell like a real dragon's would. Of course, why would a machine have foot odor? He squeaked helplessly, then crawled out from underneath her, and then up one of her sharp claws. Tanya lifted her foot and walked into a kitchen. Dino held on for dear life as the toes jostled around. She was getting something out of the refridgerator. "So," Dino mused, "she *doesn't* know what she is..either that or she gets her power from eating." He got a better grip on her toe, and she returned to the couch, but kept her feet on the floor. Dino knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Tanya in the room, and he knew he'd have to climb down and wait for her to leave..but those feet. She may have been artificial, but her feet were so finely crafted.. As it turns out, he decided to climb back underneath her foot, pressed against the cold floor..and he fell asleep. Dino woke up when Tanya moved her foot. He looked up and saw that she was looking down at him. He quickly began to scramble back underneath her foot, and caught himself too late. "Well well," Tanya chuckled, "Ants don't usually run *towards* feet..hello, Dino." Dino squeaked! He was caught! Brandon must have told her about his thing for being stomped. Tanya, however, still thought that the best way to get rid of this minor annoyance was to squish it. "Goodbye, Dinosorceror," Tanya said in a casual tone. The foot came down on him, crushing him against the floor. The huge dragon twisted her foot back and forth, like she was mashing a bug..which he was to her. He lost consciousness.. Dino managed to survive without anything broken, but he was still bruised. Tanya, thinking he was dead, not unconscious, picked up the weesaur and looked at him briefly. Then, she tossed him into a garbage can, wanting to keep the place clean after all. He spent the next several hours in with discarded papers, candy wrappers, etc, but he didn't wake up until a janitor emptied the garbage can into a dumpster outside. Tanya knew he was already here and had probably told Brandon by now, so Dino grew to his regular size and then climbed out. When he returned to Lava Dome IV, Jenn asked him, "Was the mission a success?" Dino grinned slyly, "It went better than expected..."